Is it always cancer

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I have been on her before I have a d&c next week I know there looking for cancer gas I had changed cells should I cut my losses and go for a hysterectomy as I'm fed up now and had enough and the longer I wait the more it could spread 😭😭😭any one for advice leave me a comment xx🙏🏻🙏🏻

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    I would be guided by what the gyni finds / says. Changing cells does not always lead to cancer cells. I understand your worries though. Talk to the doc about how you feel , they will help. Good luck .
    • Posted

      Thank you Cathy I'm worried has this is my 2nd biopsy in 5 months the first was clear x but this has reveled slightly thick lining and changes in cell and a polyp plus I'm petrified of general anaesthetic xxxx I'm very grateful for comment xxx

  • Posted

    Did they say you have pre cancerous cells on your cervix because if so they do colposcopy and the LEEP PROCEDURE to scrape the lining of the cervix to remove the pre cancerouse, then another pap smear to see if the cells have changed.
    • Posted

      Thank you for reply mine is the uterus I have a polyp embedded in my lining and had the all clear in August x but January I had a heavy bleeding so had another biopsy and this time I have to have a d&c to scrape out the lining to check 😭I'm scared 😳

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    Don t be scared, be proactive. It's good they're checking things out. They will let you know what you need to do. God bless

    • Posted

      Thank You lotti I had my procedure Wednesday every thing went well I now have to wait my results xxxx
  • Posted

    That's good to hear, hoping for the best. I'm sure all will be fine. Keep us posted!

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