Is it hormones...
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For the last year I have started having irregular periods. In January I bled for two weeks and during this time I experienced the worst anxiety attacks to the point I could not go to work for a few days, I was cyring all the time, felt like I would never get better it was awful. The doctor run tests on hormone level, early menopaus (I am only 40), Thyriod and all came back clear. It took me two weeks to get over this and only really went when my period finished. The doctor also said I had alot of stress going on, I just started a new job etc and was going away.
The doctor then agreed to take the implant out of my arm which had been in for over two years, I was hoping this would sort it all out. I was put onto the pill and the first month on the pill I was fine, felt great in myself, I did bleed a week earlier than I should and this lasted 7 days, but I had no anxiety. However I am two days from finishing my pill (this is the second month on it) and yesterday morning I started bleeding, nothing heavy just normal, then that evening I was eating my dinner and I suddenly burned up and felt that horrible anxious feeling, it was like a wave coming over me. I felt odd for about two hours and then I was exhausted, I went to sleep at 9pm and woke at 11pm, from that point onwards I had hot and cold flushes all through the night. I know this is down to the period, but I don't get why, is it early menopause even though in January I was tested fine. Why these hot flushes, its all so scary. This morning, I have woke up and not had a hot flush but feel extremely sick and heady (probably lack of sleep).
Does anyone have any idea what could be doing this or any advice how to stop it, I absolutely hate that feeling of panic.
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Pretty much the exact same symptoms started happening to me at Xmas, out of the blue.
I am very aware of my cycle, and I KNOW these symptoms are closely linked to my cycle, because I have kept a diary.
You need more than just one blood test to diagnose hormone imblance. Ideally you need one on Day 3 of your cycle, and Day 21. And even then they can be inconclusive because your hormones are fluctuating so much, hence WHY you're suffering. My GP explained this to me.
Basically your body is reacting nastily to the sharp drop in oestrogen (your happy feeling hormone) and the sharp increase in progesterone (unhappy hormones) in the second half of your cycle.
Do you feel much better around the time of ovulation - usually around Day 14 of your cycle?