Is it menopause?
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Hi i am 47 and up until jan/feb this year my periods were regular and although sometimes heavy i could cope. Since feb periods have been only 6/7 days apart and lasting 10+ days. Starting very light but then really heavy. Not been to Drs but starting to think its something more?
Any help?
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TopsyUK BallyB
Crikey - sounds like you spend more time having a period than not! You poor thing :-(
It certainly sounds perimenopause as cycles can get much shorter while all your hormones go crazy. Have a look at the menopause forum as someone has written a huge list of symtoms and you might recognise some. Probably worth having a chat with your doctor anyway and at least having blood tests to check for anemia. They might also check for diabetes and thyroid issues as that can mess up cycles.
I am similar but different. Am also 47 and also had "normal" periods until this year. Have midcycle bleeding and doc started with blood tests. Desperately hoping its peri for me too. Its hateful suddenly not knowing how your own body works.
Hugs to you xx
tricia51298 BallyB
maisie05 BallyB
Take care
TopsyUK maisie05
Just jumping in on this post so hope you dont mind.... How did they determine your mid cycle bleeding was hormonal? Did they test you? And how many days did it last? I seem to spot tiny amounts for several weeks. Nothing major but scary all the same and going for an endrometrial biopsy in a few weeks which Im dreading. Thanks x
maisie05 TopsyUK
About 12 months ago I had routine blood tests and the CA125 was slightly raised which is a marker for ovarian cancer and as I'd complained of bloating and mid cycle bleeds they did further tests. An ultrasound on top of skin, but ovaries couldn't be seen so then vaginal ultrasound which both showed a 3cm fibroid and multiple smaller ones. Ovaries fine. Then a hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy which came back all fine. I was offered a Mirena coil to help with the heavy bleeding but I'd heard that many horror stories I declined. And the coil can produce spotting so I didnt think I'd be that much better off.
The fibroids can raise CA125 level.
After a really heavy period with clots lasting five days I have a bleed around 8th day after period start then 10th and again 14th. Then nothing till next period bang on 28th day. Its red blood that I can feel trickling out of me. The gynaecologist said that hormones before ovulation will be causing the mid cycle bleed.
Don't worry about the biopsy, it was painless. Maybe a dull achy feeling as they doing it. And no discomfort after. Try to practice relaxation breathing, if you are tense it may be more uncomfortable. Like a smear test.
Hope this helps a little and your results all turn out fine
Take care x
TopsyUK maisie05
Thanks so much for replying and sorry to hear about your experiences but you must be relieved knowing its not sinister.
I foolishly googled the biopsy thing and of course there's tonnes of bad experiences. Wish people didnt do that cause it puts others off so your comment is so, so reassuring. Thankyou a million times.
Hope you get your situation under control.