Is it Peri or something else?
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Hi, im really needing to talk and hear from anyone else who maybe going through similar. Is this perimenopauseor something else?
I have suffered from health anxiety for a long time however recently the last 2 months my anxiety has ramped up, ive become very sensitive to traffic noise, overwhelmed by crowds of people.
I have also suffered with tinnitus over the last 3 years off an on but in the last couple of months its persistent along with being diagnosed with Chronic Rhinitus, Sinusitus and a virus on top to boot.
My last period was so light and around 3-4 days in length as opposed to my standard flow and standard 5-7 days.
My doctor did bloods an all came back fine.
I feel ive become a person I dont know anymore, im 47 years old and my resilience has gone for anything. I am a mum to a 6 year old which is lovely though so exhausting.
im just so down with it all.
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im also having panic attacks.
pamela2016 lisa45533
well i can relate to everything your dealing with cause since Novembers two cycles im really struggling with everything your dealing with and the anxiety is off the charts and just wont let up. its all rough and pray daily hang in there
jane66356 lisa45533
Definitely sounds like peri. You are the right age for it and anxiety is definitely a major symptom. I've seen people who said they never have had anxiety ever are getting it during peri so if you are already prone, it can get worse during this time.
I would suggest to supplement with 250 mg magnesium twice a day so long as it won't interfere with any medications you are already on if you are on any. Magnesium has a calming effect to the nervous system. I started taking it 10 years ago to help lessing menstrual migraines.
Here's a bit from when you google "magnesium/anxiety" together:
"Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer, which immensely helps with anxiety. It's a nervous system relaxant and mineral that assists with fear, irritability, and restlessness. We hold on to so much tension within our muscles, and this is a super-healthy and easy way to create calmness."
amy341731 lisa45533
Yes, I am 48 and feel the exact same way. very anxious about my health and now with the holidays, its even worse. I have no motivation to do anything but I also have a 9 year old who I need to make it fun for as well. Physically im exhausted, mentally drained..just have to get through it. I know walking would help and eating better, but I am so wiped out I can barely work and cook dinner before I collapse. Hang in there and know you are not alone!!!
Takingtime lisa45533
Hi, Lisa, I too went from someone who was pretty resilient to very sensitive, certain lighting bothers me, if a room is too warm if feel suffocated, crowded stores I feel clausterphobic, I am more anxious than usual. Evey new symptom that comes I fear the worst. I notice my periods changing too from month to month, some long others short and ones that start and stop and some months I cramp all month. You are not alone.
this is very reassuring to hear thankyou everyone! its just rotten. Ive spent today pretty much on the couch whacked after having a panic attack in public earlier this afternnoon.
jane66356 lisa45533
sorry to hear about the panic attack today....yes, those will wipe you out the rest of the day. I hate panic attacks.
I've had those since I was a teenager. 😦
Deep breathing, praying, meditation can help bring you back to a happy balanced state 😃
amanda16503 lisa45533
my anxiety went through the roof, kept having funny turns at work and feeling like i just wanted to run out of work and like i wasnt coping but started hrt patches and within a week my anxiety subsided.
have any of you felt just generally unwell and been whacked for a day or two? this is also whats happening. im also going through phases of 'im a useless parent' its like I am too exhausted, my husband does so much with my daughter and has to take over. 😥