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tubiligation age 20

regular periods,no problems

age 49 and sexual partner for 2 yrs age 30

age 50 april 2013 last period

age 50 feb 2014-spotting 1 day-nauseaous

age 50 march 11,2014,spotting 2 days -nauseaous

tummy buldge,(im a small petite woman)

im hoping this is perimenopause and not a pregnancy

has there been any pregnancies after not having a period for 9 mo.?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I would say menopause but you should really go to the doctor but you could do a home pregnant test first but please go to the doctor for pease of mind
  • Posted

    hi Jernigan..

    like me abit, i am age 49 last period Aug 2013, i have had a very very light spotting, and felt wickedly sick, awful, yawny, tired, all the symptoms, blasting headaches lasting for 4 days, but no real period, trouble is when you havent had one for a long while, maybe your like me, its feelings of sickness... but.... remember you may have another period, and this means you can still get pregnant should you actually ovulate and have another period... i would do a home pregnancy test, and find out, maybe your not, but peace of mind is what you need..or go and see your doctor, peri meno does not mean you wont get pregnant ... as you may still have an ovulation, all has not ceased yet... good luck Jayxx

  • Posted

    Unfortunately there is a chance. They say that you should not consider it impossible to get pregnant until after you're periods have stopped for at least a full year, and tubal litigation isn't 100% foolproof. I've been reading up on this for the past fortnight since my period was late for the first time ever! I'm 49, and hubby had a vasectomy 8 years ago. I also discovered that even that isn't 100% effective and can reverse itself. I scared myself silly and have taken 3 home tests, all negative. I've never been pregnant in my life so didn't know what it felt like to compare, but I had sore boobs too. Today started bleeding but very very light and it's almost stopped already. Since I've suffered from very mixed periods for about the past 2 years, I think this might be the start of the slippery slope. I'd suggest you get a home test and try it - you can get good cheap ones in Asda that work very well at £1 a box, or if you'd rather not buy them in a shop you can buy them on Ebay. Hope you get the result you want!
  • Posted

    Is it possible to get pregnant after ten years of having a tubal litigation and not having a period for 7 years

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