Is it possible to.....?
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Hello fellow sufferers,
I would like to know if you have ever felt during perimenopause hell that while you are on your period, ovulation occurs at the same time?
?This morning, I saw my gyno and I will have a surgery for my ovarian cyst at the end of May.
?I am very scared about the operation. I am afraid a lot the anesthesia procedure.
?I also insist to help me with my hormones after the surgery. I am very tired with this peri hell. It 's been 2 awful years and 6 whole years suffering from PMDD.
?Evil hormones have completely destroyed my life. I broke up, I lost my friends, my job and the most important my health and my self.
Sorry for my resemblance but I think that "the evil" has conquered my body In the form of hormones!
?It seems like a malediction...
Thank u in advance for your support
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Guest evi75119
Hi evi, are they removing the whole ovary? Will it be a laparoscopic surgery? I had an ovary removed two years ago. My peri symptoms quickly became worse and periods eventually became irregular. Somehow, my hormone levels always come back as "normal" when tested and the gyn has been unhelpful (I'm in the process of changing doctors). I hope you will have good support following your surgery and get what you need. I'll also reply to some of your other discussions; it looks like we've had some of the same issues.
evi75119 Guest
The doctor ensured me that he will remove only the cyst not the ovary.
?It will be laparoscopic surgery. I am scared a lot, though the potential complications, I do not want to die alone in a surgical room
...All my life is full of misfortunes. Like a curse. I am constantly crying wondering what I have done..I get panicked easily, try not but the peri intensifies my anxiety, my crying outbursts and my fears.
?I really need some good energy even from unknown ladies who although are able to commiserate with me!
?I have changed many doctors too, and keep saying you are too young and no help at all ...they are right, but unfortunately it happened to me. I am in a deadlock.
?I believe that it is genetic or idiopathic or autoimmune in my case! I am in a weird condition. Neither the classic case of perimenopause after 40's, nor the premature menopause with absence of menstrual cycles because I am still having regular periods but my body seems to try hard every month.
sharcerv52408 Guest
I also had to have one my ovaries removed. Immediately I started having hormonal issues. That was almost twenty years ago. I have since had 2 kids but after my second child that is when my symptoms really started going haywire.
Guest evi75119
Guest sharcerv52408
I'm glad it's not just me!
evi75119 Guest
I am afraid a lot of the surgery procedure...But this cyst must be removed...I am also afraid if the doctor and his team will manage to keep my ovary! In addition, I do not want to lose my ovary as I am sure that this will deteriorate my existing horrible perimenopause symptoms.
I used to believe in God but now I have completely lost my faith...
I feel like a freak of nature ... I feel or indeed I am an abnormal defective creature with wrong genes...I am too young to going through perimenopause and suffering like this! I cannot find any other woman of my age which shares the same unheard experience even on the vast amount of internet forums ...It seems that I am such a rare case.
I am very young according to my birth date but I am in perimenopause not POF with absent cycles b I am still menstruating and I can fell my ovulation but my daily symptoms are awful and interfering with my life.
What is happening with me? Is it sth autoimmune? Is it wrong genetics? Is it idiopathic? Derives from my stressful life?
My only answer is that it is very unfair and it is a living hell
Guest evi75119
I am sorry that you are suffering. In my case, scans were showing "something" in an ovary, but when they did the surgery, there was nothing in it. However, it did have to be removed because it was discolored, not necessarily "the color of cancer" (my doctor's words) but still of concern. The pathology results afterward were normal. I also had some uterine and cervical polyps removed that turned out to be benign.
?You make a valid point about going through all of this at such a young age. Does your gyn doctor say anything about ways to give you more physical and emotional support? So often these days, we talk and hear about giving people better "quality of life" and I would think there are ways this can happen for you.
Pra_Adoni evi75119
Best of luck for the operation! I have heard that the operation to remove cysts is quite routine, but I guess, it is routine for the doctors than us poor souls!
I definitely empathise with in similar hell, though for a little lesser time. I had no idea I was in peri when I was going thru it, and just suffered thru it, mainly coz I was having periods regularly. But now that I am in menopause, I realise the hell I went thru was peri.
Pls post and let us know how it goes...sending hugs and best wishes your way!
sharcerv52408 evi75119
Yes I have most definitely ovulated while on my period. I can always feel it on the left side of my lower pelvic/groin area when I ovulate. I saw a period the first month of my pregnancy with my son which is why they thought he was a preemie. In actuality he came when he was supposed to which was full term but because I gave them my last period date, they went by that. I was actually already pregnant 3-4 weeks in but they didn't know it because of that last period that still came on that first month during pregnancy. They told me April 4 and he came February 26 at a full birth weight. The nurses were scratching their heads as to why he was in the NICU and was a normal weight. It was because the doctor got the due date wrong, like a whole month wrong. I said all that to say that if you can have a period while you are pregnant then you can certainly ovulate while you are on your period. I know a girl who got pregnant while she was currently pregnant. She ovulated during pregnancy and got pregnant again. When the doctors looked at the sonogram and there were two fetuses one was just beginning to develop and the other one was further ahead in development. Unfortunately the younger one did not survive for obvious reasons. Pretty wild stuff!
I apologize, I meant to wish you well on surgery in my previous post. Hoping all goes well. Keep us posted.
evi75119 sharcerv52408
It is very weird! I think that many times I am experiencing earlier than midcycle ovulation, I can feel it because it is painful and I can see ovulation liquids but my cycles keep coming every 28-29 days. It is absolutely weird..
?I was wondering if short follicular wouldn't meant and shorter cycles?...who knows what hormonal disorder is running my body.
?I think that I have enough progesterone but too low estradiol and too low testosterone?!
sideways67 evi75119
evi75119 sideways67
I do not eat bread, I have restricted refined sugar but hormones are much much stronger than me.
As I am too young to experiencing so severe perimenopause symptoms, I am leaning towards an idiopathic hypoestrogenism or a very weird hormone disorder imbalance
But the last 2 years, I am tired of this estrogen deficiency. The symptoms are too severe.
Guest sideways67
I have not heard about fibroids being related to diet! My gyn found a "floating" fibroid during my surgery two years ago. Thank you for sharing this information. I want to read more about it.