Is it really anxiety??

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A few months ago (around Dec or Jan) I developed severe onset anxiety with no known explanation or trigger. It began when I noticed I was having chest pains and weird headaches at the point where my neck meets the base of my skull. I went to the ER for the chest pains and an EKG came back clear. Since then I have been to many doctors appointments, all coming back completely clear. I am yet to see a neurologist, but that is likely my next step.

I am growing increasingly worried because my bad days seem to be heavily outweighing my good ones. Earlier in the year i would have and anxiety freak out about every few weeks. But recently I feel like I have had freak outs for days in a row with one good day in between for about a month now. I am growing more and more anxious that there is something wrong or I have a brain tumor. I am going to therapy, but my counselor's interpretation of my symptoms is making me believe that I'm not having anxiety at all.

I cant say I'm having panic attacks, because when I have the freakouts it's mainly just me crying for hours, worrying about if I have some terminal illness or cancer. I am also having what seems like mood swings, it will seem like a good day when I wake up, but my mood will plummet in the evening and at night.

Overall I just feel crappy. I have mild headaches almost everyday, never severe but bring me down the same amount. I feel slow, and like my brain feels weird. If anyone could describe their anxiety to me it would be really helpful to confirm whether or not that's what I'm feeling.

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3 Replies

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    sounds like what you are having could be a tension headache. Anxiety can have hundreds of different symptoms all of which are not harmful. But I know how scary they can be. I’ve had it for over 30 years and I have had numerous symptoms including headaches. Yes it can also make your brain feel weird and people call that brain fog. Sometimes you can get a weird vibration in your head or elsewhere, you can feel some confusion or spacey feeling as well as others.The best thing you can do for yourself right now is try to relax your mind as much as you can. The more you sit around and worry about everything the worse you will feel. Take some time out to take care of yourself. Get a little exercise even if it’s just walking, eat healthy and drink lots of water. Stay busy and interact with other people that you enjoy. There’s nothing like a good laugh. Also, to really relax you can listen to some soothing meditations for anxiety on YouTube.

    If you do visit a neurologist, and everything turns out OK, you need to tell yourself that you are OK and that you need to work on managing the anxiety. You can speak with a counselor online and do a virtual appointment which works very well! Take it easy take one day at a time you’re gonna be fine!

  • Posted

    i have the same story. i have seen every doctor under the sun and always come back with normal test but i feel like something is being missed. i was just hospitalized for two days because of this. i wish i could get rid of this anxiety and panic disorder 😦

  • Posted

    I've had anxiety probably since high school but never really felt any physical symptoms of it until January of 2021. I've recently been experiencing chest tightness and headaches (which I have learned are most likely tension headaches). It's like a weird pressure sensation in the front of my head and then other times it makes me feel woozy or out of it. The last few weeks I have literally just sat on the couch with an ice pack on my head all day. I'm starting therapy this week which obviously I'm super nervous about but also excited to see if it'll help calm me down. I feel like I haven't felt normal since last December and I just have felt like crap ever since. I don't have a job and I have been staying home and finding ways out of plans with my friends and family. I feel like these symptoms restrict me from doing anything outside the house and it's honestly exhausting. I'm constantly worrying about my health even though I just recently went to the doctor's and everything came back normal. I have anxiety about the doctor's as well so it takes a lot to get me to go see one but at this point I just wanna have a bunch of tests done to see if there's actually something wrong with me. Ugh, it's been so draining especially since I've never experienced anything like this.

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