Is it safe to work with shin splints?
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So I have a history of knee pain (usually comes back when I squat and goes away with rest in 2 or 3 weeks). The thing is, this time, the pain came with pain down the front of my legs(mainly in the middle where the shins are). The thing is, I work at McDonald’s so my job is very physical, I’m always on my feet for hours so idk if it’s okay to go to work. I could only take a week off after next week and I have 8 shifts left until then. I wouldn’t want to stay at home either because I can’t exaclty afford it so I’m really stressed and sad and tired of this pain. The pain is dull. I haven’t been to the doctors yet and to be honest I’m not excited to see a doctor as they always seem to be useless.
I have pain down to my feet sometimes as well and they feel a bit numb especially when I lie down. Pain sometimes goes round to my calves as well. The shin pain doesn’t seem to go away with rest and it started today (maybe I injured myself at work yesterday..too much effort idk..?). I’m scared my bones are going to snap when I walk 😢 I’ll phone the doctors tomorrow and book an appointment.
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devsmom maria38027
Gosh, perhaps you should look into the possibility of this being a work related condition from repeated physical activity. Your employer would be obligated to refer you for workmen's compensation. You would see their doctor at their expense and possibly time off with some form of compensation. If not covered by WC you may benefit from trying to get into another kind of work. For now I'm glad that you will be seeing your doctor. You need to make sure that your visit is not useless by asking many questions and getting answers that are understandable. Write a list of things of concern and get through al of them. If you don't understand something it is their fault and not yours so get them to explain it better. They work for you! Oh, talking about understanding....what is idk? I don't have a clue, but I'm older so...… I wish you well Maria and good luck.
maria38027 devsmom
I’ve never had problems at work, it only seems to happen when I do a few squats and after that, I feel like I ran a mile. It’s always been like that since I first injured my knees a few years ago(overuse injury from too much aerobics). I could obviously say it started at work if I was cheeky. Idk means I don’t know by the way. Ironic 😂