Is my pain down to Amlodipine.

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Hi I am new to this forum and wondered if anyone can help

I started taking Amlodipine 8 months ago as my blood pressure was ridiculously high and thought no more about it. Almost immediately i started to suffer from severe fatigue , grumbling stomach and constipation which I put down to stress of work. I then started to develop more and more physical pain in my joints, limbs and my right testicle all the time becoming more and more anxious about how I was feeling as any tests I had showed nothing wrong. Eventually I suffered two massive panic attacks and had to stop working as I was in excruciating pain and now suffering from anxietyand panic, at this time the doctor was telling me to pull myself together and it couldn’t  be anything to do with tablets...... so he prescribed me more tablets for my anxiety which were anti depressants (Citalopram) but over the last 3 months the physical pain , mental fog and anxiety has got worse and worse. Finally I stopped taking Amlodipine 3 weeks ago and felt that the mental fog lifted a bit but if anything the physical pain increased when I stopped. I feel I have hit a wall with no where to go and wondered if anyone can relate to this scenario with any guidance please, I just want to get my life back and feel well. Thank you.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Absolutely what you are experiencing can be attributed to this drug. The panics, the limb pain, fatigue. Good that you have stopped it. Try and have reassurrance that now you have stopped taking amlodopine the symptoms should slowly diminish. It does differ from individual to individual but most of your symptoms should go in time. I wish you a speedy recovery.
    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply Kathy, have you ever heard of people experiencing withdrawal from Amlodipine as I am very emotional as well

      thank you 

    • Posted

      Hi Steve

      Yes the propensity to be emotional is one of the effects. Hopefully it wont be long before you gradually feel your normal self again. The mind is so powerful so keep yourself going by telling yourself it wont be long before you feel 'right' again. It takes as much energy to think positively as negatively and also, keep fear from your door because you will certainly slowly start to feel ok again.

  • Posted

    Hi steve

    I think your symptons are down to side effects of amoldopine..i to had the terrible fatigue..pains in joints..i felt i was walking through mud .. had funny dreams and some anxieties..i checked it out and read other peoples emails..all had very similar symptons and i then spoke to my doctor..who said there were side effects that could cause this and replaced my tablet ..within a week i was feeling betterand the symptons gradually stopped feeling normal now ..speak to your gp and make sure he listens!!

    • Posted

      Hi thank you so much for replying, I have been off the Amlodipine for 4 weeks now with nothing to replace them as my blood pressure seems to have stabilised at a good level so was hoping for some benefit by now, just wondering if it is my anti depressants (Citalopram) which I am on 

      thanks again


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