Is my pain is of frozen shoulder???
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My age is 27, m suffering from neck n left shoulder pain, since 2 years.. Pain was gradually increased and severe now.. Xray was clear, no bone problems... Doctor said it may be a nurve problem n gave pain killers.. But didn't work.. Now I got a doubt of frozen shoulder.. Bcoz symptoms r same.. I can't lift my hand up to the straight since 2 years, I can't lift some what heavy things with left hand, can't sleep on left side more than 5 minuts, pain get worse at night, neck pain was some times dreadful and sometimes bearable.. And sometimes will get pain in a point of back head(left side, back of ear)..
Can any one guess the problem actually..
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lynette74341 Nethra_2627
Nethra_2627 lynette74341
Hi lynette...
Thanks for ur rply, so sorry for u, it's been 4 years u r suffering from.. Alas...
Hw r u?
M so panic now, I thought I can find a solution, but now need to lose hopes, now my position is very bad, suffering from severe pain in collar bone.. (Neck, left shoulder, collar bone)
Planning to consult an ayurvedic doctor(India),
let's see, if I get any solution, will post again..
Take care
Shortie79 Nethra_2627
Have you tried cortisone shots? The first one may not work (it didn't for me) however the second and third ones really helped! I now have more range of motion and can use my left arm.
Nethra_2627 Shortie79
No I didn't try it..
Will check with that..
It sounds really good..
Thank u so much..
Take care.
frozen_stiff Nethra_2627
Nethra_2627 frozen_stiff