Is nausea a sign of perimenopaue?

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I feel nauseous alot and although I have had stomach/bowel issues and acid, I wonder if its linked to the menopause as i have read your acid increases. Anyone experiencing this? Many thanks

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30 Replies

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    Oh yes, always have and it has got harder as they have got older because I am less in control! My daughter is 18 and in her gap year and my son is at Uni. Luckily we are all close but my son has learned not to tell me what he is upto until he's done it! I'm dreading my daughter leaving next year as I will be worried about her even leaving the flat!! How old are yours? PS, had a nausea free day today!!! Just need to find out why!!! lol xx
  • Posted

    I have 3 older children 29. 26 and 23 then 2 at hone 16 and 13 no wonder I've had anxiety !!!! I'm just as bad as u I've started going to a budhist centre who doubt preach god but help u train yourself positive thinking it's lovely. I'm glad uv had a good day . r u working ? x
  • Posted

    Gosh that is quite a lot of children, yes no wonder you're stressed!!! I bet you still worry about the ones who have left!

    I work 4 days now, which is lovely, as never really wanted to work full time just sort of happened when the children hit 14 & 16 and needed the extra money for all their activities and lifestyle, and they were getting the bus to school so I was still home at the same time as them. I took 5 years off initially and then went part time 9 until 1 and then 9 until 3. Loved those times dashing around to different clubs and having their friends back for tea, and coffee with the mums! But the job became very stressful as I worked my way up and found my anxiety levels really rose (also had a miscarriage at 40) which started the cycle of panic but that was more situational rather than general worrying which i have. Doing some exercise again which is helping too as used to run alot but my knee gave up on me!

  • Posted

    I can relate to all that hun. I had to leave my job last year due to the anxiety which was my first symptom of the menopause !!! I feel I need to work again now only part time but I'm very anxious about it ! x
  • Posted

    Its difficult isn't it...when I was struggling in the job I couldn't just find another one because I was not in the right frame of mind and too anxious......and once i felt in control again, I don't feel like I need to leave...its a vicious cycle. Has the Dr suggested anything for anxiety. I didn't take anything for years for my general worrying (and a few OCDs) but after my miscarriage i went on citalapram and although it was good for depression once I had come to terms with the loss, I came off. When I felt anxious a year later it didn't help. So this year after a stressful year at work , with my tummy, with my daughter's glandular fever and first love breakdown and my son leaving home, I decided to ask for something to take the edge off and the duloxetine i am on does takes a good 6 weeks but I suddenly got my concentration back and felt in control again and I feel that I probably have an imbalance and this helps with it. xx
  • Posted

    thstd grt news hun. it seems to be helping u . I was given an anti depressive last yr but just one tab made me soooooooooo I'll. so I wad given a very mild beta blocker which helped calm things down. I dont use them now just every know and again :-) now I know exactly what is happening to me my anxiety isn't quite so bad
  • Posted

    Definitely helps recognising the symptoms. I have sat in a restuarant abroad and suddenly come over feeling faint, ill, sick; but now i drink some water, take some deep breaths and stay calm as I know its only panic. But the first time is horrible because you genuinely think something serioius is wrong. You could also try some Vit B12 or the other oil tablets, can't remember their name, for balancing hormones.
  • Posted

    awww thanku I will do. yes I know exactly what u mean tats what happened to ne the very first time. I also went to Malta for my first wk away without kids as never left them . extremely anxious whole body shaking. had to cone home after one day doctor came and sent me home unfit for the holiday :-( thank god I'm not that bad anymore .
  • Posted

    Yes I had that too, the body shaking, very scary, thought I was going to die first time! I said to my husband, there is something seriously wrong with me, but it was a panic attack. Don't have them now as recognise symptoms and keep myself calm. I've not been away without mine yet, may be next year when my daughter is at uni or away with her boyfriend! Luckily he's as overprotective as me! Tablets need to be started slowly, the first on citalapram I could read a sentence, my brain just could not process the words and I had head shocks so I went to a lower dose and built up.....and the same coming off, gradually. I think we will find that with the PPIs too.
  • Posted

    Yes I had that too, the body shaking, very scary, thought I was going to die first time! I said to my husband, there is something seriously wrong with me, but it was a panic attack. Don't have them now as recognise symptoms and keep myself calm. I've not been away without mine yet, may be next year when my daughter is at uni or away with her boyfriend! Luckily he's as overprotective as me! Tablets need to be started slowly, the first on citalapram I could NOT read a sentence, my brain just could not process the words and I had head shocks so I went to a lower dose and built up.....and the same coming off, gradually. I think we will find that with the PPIs too.
  • Posted

    I mean come off them slowly to avoid rebound symptoms of acid while body readjusts, not head shocks!!!
  • Posted

    I mean come off them slowly to avoid rebound symptoms of acid while body readjusts, not head shocks!!!

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