Is recurring Glandular Fever contagious after the initial episode?

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I'm trying to find out about experiences of Recurring Glandular Fever, when the virus stays dormant in your body and you suffer symthoms periodically long after the disease is supposedly gone. I'm interested to know, from the experiences of those who suffer this, if the disease is still contagious to others through kissing and sharing saliva through eating utensils, etc.

Many of you would have family around you, love partners and friends. I'm keen to hear stories and experiences where there has been or - hopefully - there hasn't been contagion.

Thank you

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    I had Glandular Fever in 1960, at that time they thought I had Typhoid or Diptheria I was in bed 6 weeks, and never really fit again.

    I used to say this disease is recurring, no one believed me. I was sent to a psychiatrist because I was so often off school, (which I loved) because I felt too ill to go. 

    I was diagnosed with it agaIn 1975 when I had a high powered job and had just got married. 

    I actually had it not just a recurrance as the girl looking after me caught it. My husband did not catch it.

    I acknowledged to myself that it was recurring in that if I "Overdid it"

    I had the sore throat, aching, extremely tired.

    Got it now, had it for 3 weeks . I took the grandchildren to London on a day out. We walked for miles and it was cold..I picked up the nearest bug which then showed the usual symptoms which is why I went on the website looking up "sore throat." I am totally fed up, this pattern has been repeatedly ruining my life.. Anyone know HOW to GET RID of it.

    You could say don't overdo it but you don't always know you've overdone it till it hits you.



    • Posted

      Hi Kathy,

      I'm aware about the poor understanding from doctors about the patients who suffer an immune-depressed syndrome after the first Glandular Fever infection. You will find other forums discussing that in this site and they have a lot of cases and information; also tips to boost your immune system, that seems to be the key, keep as healthy as possible and use immune-support suplements every day.

      My question to you is, in your experience, how easy do think it is to pass the virus onto a person who you kiss or share saliva with? You say you didn't give it to your husband, not even during the big episode in 1975 but in that occasion your carer got it.

      Apart from that big episode in 1975 (15 years after your first episode) do you think you have been contagious every time you've felt sick and had a sore throat? Or do you think that you can be contagious only with very severe episodes that include whitish spots on your tonsils, etc?

      I'm trying to understand the contagiousness of the virus from people who suffers the periodic discomforts derived from the disease long after the first crisis. I hope you can share some light with me about this.


    • Posted

      I never thought I was infactious when I was feeling bad. I must have been very bad this time worse than for years as the Dr. gave me a very big dose of anti biotics for my throat. None of the peole I met when I had it have been ill, I was away and met a great many people. When I came home my boyfriend text me to say he was ill with a fever. I haven't actually seen him yet, but have advised him to tell the Dr. I've never thought it was catching at the recurring stage. Will let you know what has happened to him. 


    • Posted

      Thank you Kathleen, I appreciate that you keep me posted. I hope your boyfriend's fever has nothing to do with GF. Cheers
    • Posted

      Hi Kathleen,

      It's been a few days and I'm curious to know if your boyfriend is alright. I hope that his illness passed already and that I was nothing to do with mononucleosis.



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