Is there a cure for chronic hyperventilation syndrome?
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I've had this for 2 years now. I am a 27 yo girl and my life has been ruined from this. I am not the same person, I got fired from my job cause I couldn't work, focus on anything. I have trouble with inhales and since I can't take a satisfying breath, I often get a panic attack. I been on xanac, on antidep pills, CBD oil (which helped the most) but its back full force. I cant live like this anymore. I don't go out, I have trouble eating, laughing and even crying, cant work out...Im sinking into a dark space cause if this. I just want back so bad....I cry everyday but then I cant breathe and its such a vicious circle. Is there any cure for this?! Please anybody?!
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cass35136 jayjay35395
Hi Jay Jay
Have you had any improvements? I so hope you’re doing better! I understand what you’re going through 😔
shiva1985 jayjay35395
heather65532 jayjay35395
daniel03763 jayjay35395
mayrasaleh323 daniel03763
shawn66045 daniel03763
hey daniel im very curious have you found relief of your symptoms yet? im dealing with the same issue... i pray for you... let me know if you are feeling better and what you did. thank you !
Guest jayjay35395
I am also very sorry to hear you are going through this, A few year agos i had some life events happen that caused both Chronic Hyperventilation Disorder and mild Trichotillomania. When i was first coming to terms with both of these disorders my doctors associated the HVD with Fibromyalgia as all the muscles in my body were aching with a sharp pain due to my breathing problems and i couldnt get out of bed in the mornings, it took many MANY doctors appointments to figure out what was wrong with me and when they told me i wasnt happy as it made me feel weak as i couldnt understand how something as small as my breathing could be making me feel the way I was. I think it helps to know you are not alone in this and we all just need to keep working on this over time and it will get better. It had been months since my last episode but when it comes back it comes back in full force and i feel your pain and how helpless you feel.
I have tried all the medications and found the CBD oil as you said quite helpful aswell as 5-HTP that is located in most health food stores.
Also mediatate!!! I used to struggle to find the time but i now make the time there are so many useful mediations on youtube and you can find one that helps you best.
I hope everything works out for you and you will be okay!
emily44440 jayjay35395
mayrasaleh323 jayjay35395
raigreenleaf mayrasaleh323
Doctors will think that it's a mini panic attack or anxiety. And anxiety does make it worse. I've heard people talk about going through so many different tests and stuff because they are convinced there is something wrong with their body, to no avail.
I think it could very well have something to do with the toxins in the air. A lot plastics (especially foam) gives off weird fumes. And things that have been fire proofed, or this or that,, It's so many things. If you've ever smoked or done hard drugs that could have affected it. Some people might just have more sensitive lings. OR maybe you need to get more exercise. I know I feel 100 times better when I get good exercise.
You should look into ways to cure COPD. And see if any of that helps. I literally just found out about this a few days ago. And I'm waiting for some stuff in the mail to see if t helps. (Eucalyptus, ginseng, NAC, and a fume free mattress cover). But I just realized that getting out and doing stuff helps me a lot. Anything to ease anxiety I find is helpful for me. And that includes exercise.
samuel09072 jayjay35395
I used to have this! But I cured it! The fact is, you are hyperventilating and 'over-breathing' - Please look up 'over-breathing' and Hyperventilation on Google.
Basically, when you feel like you're short of breath, it's because your body is trying to restrict your airway because you have been breathing way too deeply all the time, and you have too much oxygen in your blood,
Ironically, if you have too much oxygen in the blood, you can't use it, because you need CO2 in the blood as well to help the Oxygen get in the cells,
I have used breathing 're-training', and have realized how hard I was breathing all day everyday before and was giving myself Hyperventilation which causes panic attacks and anxiety due to the lack of oxygen getting into the cells.
PLEASE PLEASE google breathing re-training and give it a go - I know it sounds odd, but the cure is to breath softer, smoother, and quieter and THROUGH THE NOSE ONLY - don't force it, breathe through your tummy very slowly and softly - you will feel better!
jesse73639 samuel09072
THis does give me some relief but as soon as i stop thinking about it the need to take a deep chest breath every so often comes back. That deep breath feels so good, but its like i can only take about 3 of those at most in a row and then my chest feels constricted again. THe worst part about this for me is that pretty much every time i speak its like i dont have enough air so i run out of air just by saying a small sentence, horribly affecting my communication. Does any one else feel out of breath every time they try to speak like i do
pauline59158 jayjay35395
When I tried controlled breathing I had Panic attacks! I thought "I can't breathe" It makes you so aware of your breathing, it caused me to Panic!
cass35136 jayjay35395
hey hun
how are you going? has your situation improved? i hope youre doing better .
jesse73639 jayjay35395
Ive been STRUGGLING every day with this for years now, its the worst thing i have ever dealt with by far. Breathing excercises do give me some relief but as soon as i stop thinking about it the need to take a deep chest breath every so often comes back. That deep breath feels so good, but its like i can only take about 3 of those at most in a row and then my chest feels constricted again. The worst part about this for me is that pretty much every time i speak its like i dont have enough air so i run out of air just by saying a small sentence, horribly affecting my communication. Ive tried inhalers, xanax, and had chest x rays and pulminary tests and no doctor has been helpful. Does any one else feel out of breath every time they try to speak like i do?