Is there any BHRT that doesn’t make you gain weight ?
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do all hormones make you gain weight ?
i gave it about 8-9 months not sure if they helped me as had EBV /mono the entire time and most of my symptoms were from the illness.
anyway 40 lbs later im so unhappy never been fat before and now even feeling a bit better cant go out at night as nothing fits ... and not wearing sweat pants to dinner when i have 4 closets of designer size 2-4 clothes !!!
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heather29740 lori93950
Even with your forty pound gain I am well heavier and I just strap in my boobs , haul up my dragging ass and I am a size 28 and get out there.
As for four wardrobes of designer gear sell them and get clothes that fit.
Life is too short to give a s**t about 40 pounds when your body is ready it will lose it.
Look I suffer anxiety and depression every day of the week and weight is least of my worries , you will know when you are ready to lose it and it will fall off.
Honestly life too short to sit about the house let your significant other take you out and show you off and if your single get out there and show those curves.
hopeforever heather29740
Wonderful reply
lori93950 heather29740
yes i too suffer anxiety depression terribly and my ebv has made it worse . i hear what you are saying but i was an athlete before i got sick amazing body no fat and i loved it !! i loved working out it was my therapy .. so so good for my mind . for me personally having my gut hanging out is not a good feeling. i feel so unconfortable and even getting out of the bath is hard .
i will not be selling all my designer clothes instead i will lose the weight and fit back into them !
being fat feels awful !
heather29740 lori93950
I am sorry if I offended you.
Look if you have gained forty pounds and you are still eating healthy then I would go back to the doctor, it seems a helluva lot of weight gain.
I also don't like being fat but I am and at the moment that's the least of my worries.
I wish you nothing but success in your fight to regain your former body shape, but don't stay in believe me it doesn't help and I know from experience.
lori93950 heather29740
stay in ? ive stayed in for a whole year with ebv/mono ive had no choice but to stay in ! ive laid in bed most of that time plus hormone fluctuation not fun.
yes its very important for me to be skinny and yes i do believe its all to do with bhrt .
i am not happy with a big fat gut its disgusting .. i was in the fashion industry all my life and have never been fat . im very attractive and all i can say is that if something does not please you then make a change.... thats why i stopped the hormones . weight 'slowly' dropping off .
hopeforever lori93950
I've gained 30 pounds withing the past 4 yrs. I was 110 lbs now i way 140. Does it somewhat bother me yes but not to the point where i am not living. If all i had to worry about is weight i would be on cloud nine. I was home bound for the past 3 weeks and yesterday i was able to take a long walk in the park without legs feeling weak, breathing problems, dizziness and nausea. I felt so good just to hear the birds sing and have the sun beat down on me. I never knew how much i took for granted in my life until this peri hit me hard this year. Last Saturday i sat home and cried because i missed people . I too had to buy new clothes and go up sizes but i still look damn good. I still get looks from men and i still get asked out. One day my son turned to me and said " mom did you know you get more men looking and asking you out with that weight gain." I had to stop and think and agree with him. Women put so much pressure on themselves to look a certain way what society thinks is beautiful and men think differently. I learned to love the new me and i know in time i will lose the weight. There are days when i could go 30 min on the treadmill and days when i can only go 15. I eat right and pray. As long as My son loves me and my family that is all that matters. I hope you try to find some peace in this madness and know that you are not alone. Learn to love your fat gut until you lose it because that is all you can do at this very moment. Praying for you and your journey to be that thin fashion model again. Hugs
lori93950 hopeforever
and yes 3 weeks at home ... try one year of lying on the bed with mono .. you really gotta get your mind in a place of 'acceptance ' to deal with it .
yes men are interested in me and 'young men ' too but its how you feel about yourself thats most important .... and if you dont feel good being overweight then thats just how you feel and if thats whats important to you ... thats ok
hopeforever lori93950
i understand what you are saying. But it comes down to what can you do about it at this moment in time. I am not here to bash you or make you feel bad about what are feeling. Us women are struggling on different levels and each situation needs to be looked at with sensitivity and love. But self hate at this stage in the game is only going to make that weight take longer to come off. Mind over matter. Take care
debra16694 lori93950
Well said Heather & Hopefore - Attitude is everything - i can barely walk & feel like a 90 year old woman & then I go to my strength & conditioning class & there are 80 & 90 year old woman doing more than i can currently do with my gimpy knee & hip. I think, i know they have aches & pains but they are not letting anything stop them because they love life and they are determined to not let that define them. My mother always said, in 10 years you are going to look back on your current self & say "Damn, i looked good!" Paint a new picture of yourself & embrace it -
lori93950 debra16694
hey i worked out 2 hours a day i am no wimp i was superfit and would go running in rain wind ... but fat is fat and for an athlete its a no-no its not only unhealthy but slows you down .
i guess it just what youre used to ... i am super confident and once i am well i will be back to my six pack and amazing body !
hopeforever lori93950
well i thought id put on 30lbs turns out ive gone from 110lbs to 174lbs !!! so beware of hormones !!!