Is there anyone like me? Feeling hopeless
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Today is the start of week 4 for me.100mg. I have barely moved outside my room as I get overwhelmed and I start crying. Today I am picking up my son from school and all I want to do is get home to my anxiety and mood is poor
Surely I should be getting better by now? Anyone else feeling lost like me or can relate to me?
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Katyf ger00232
Hi,it's very disheartening when you feel like they ain't working how long have you been on the 100mg,I started 3 weeks ago on 50mg then increased to 100mg I am noticing some changes but there small at the moment I think we need to give it till 6/8weeks I know how your feeling but the only way is to keep going just by doing normal things but rest when you need to x
ger00232 Katyf
I was one week on 50mg and this will be my third week on 100mg this week. I wish I was seeing some changes for the positive but I'm still bedroom bound and I cannot break the cycle. When I do leave the room I get all disorientated. It's hell please work meds please I beg of you.
Katyf ger00232
Have you not noticed any little changes,I was thinking the same oh there not working...then sat and thought I was surprised to see that there was small things I didn't realise but they I wouldn't of done 3 weeks ago it's small steps at the moment x
lee18125 ger00232
It's so sad to hear that,
I was there but am now out the other side, I never was able to focus on anythink there was a cloud over my head and also in my head blocking any normal thoughts from processing..!!
I have been on 50 mg for 8 weeks now and am far from the most confident person in the world but I'm getting better and more happy... And so will you, give them chance and think of all the happy and positive things in your life because there are slot of things we may not like but cannot change so no point letting them take up head space, concentrate on your family and things that make you happy,
One day at a time.
Best wishes to you.X
weenett ger00232
Chick17418 weenett
You need to make yourselves do things & get out of your rooms, go for a walk see a friend. Anything!! As hard as it maybe you can't let this beat you. I'm feeling like poop, winding myself up to go back to work next week but need too to keep my sanity!!
Hate this anxiety it's killing me!! Xx
holly34337 Chick17418
Wilb ger00232
ger00232 Wilb
Katyf ger00232
Wilb ger00232
ger00232 Katyf
Wilb ger00232
Katyf ger00232
ger00232 Katyf