Is there anything I can do for hot flashes headaches very tired feeling
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Very tired feeling headaches
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Very tired feeling headaches
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maria101 nancy13043
Kim1971 nancy13043
This is exactly how I feel plus insomnia I get exhausted ??going to health shop tomorrow to see if there's anything herbal which will help x
maisie05 nancy13043
I would have your iron levels checked. Try sage tablets for flushes or menopace women's supplement should work for a few months if in early peri menopause.
tmpearce nancy13043
Hi Nancy,
I am having the same problems and it's very frustrating. I'm so fatigued, low energy and a headache around eyes with head pressure almost every day. I'm trying to take multivitamin, B12 supplement, and co enzyme Q10 which is supposed to help with cell energy metabolism but I also have had stomach issues for past 2 years and sometimes these irritate my stomach.
One thing I do find that helps some is a magnesium supplement. Intake it at suppertime and the times I do take it I seem to have less hot flushes during the night and less anxious during the days.
This menopause roller coaster ride is getting old and I want to get off!!
Rhino2015 nancy13043
HRT HRT HRT what more can I say Nancy - - pretty much saved my life
Wishing you well - quickly.
Loui x
sue58256 nancy13043
metamorphed nancy13043
menopace is working for me at the moment, like other ladies have said also. It's the combination of all the vits etc we need at this time that is doing the trick. it works for me anyway, no harm in trying it. (I also take a very good quality omega 3 oil, the type you mix with food, can't mention the name here as i think it will be moderated, but it is a good one.
Chuckj nancy13043
Hi Nancy
Firstly get you blood pressure checked for the headaches you are experiencing, as this tends to creep up as women reach menopause.
Drink lots of water throughout the day to keep fully hydrated. Avoid caffeinated drinks if possible.
Layer your clothes so you can remove clothes if you are feeling uncomfortable during a hot flush.
Eat regularly and healthily. Do some exercise, even if just walking once a day.
Try to have an unwinding routine towards the end of the day so that you get a good night's sleep. I retire early, have a soak in the bath, read my family magazines, a warm drink and I off like a light!
Most of all try to stay positive. It I just another phase of our lives. There will be some health anxieties, but deal with them one at a time. Read up on them and go ready with questions to your GP. Forums like this are helpful, as you can see that you are not alone!
All the best ??
maisie05 Chuckj
Good advice Chuckj.
It's easy to forget the sensible advice when we are looking for a magic pill to make all this go away.
I feel so much better since I swapped to decaf coffe and tea, the palpitations have lessened considerably.
I find having a couple of spare cotton nightshirts by the bed helps for a quick change if I wake during a night sweat. It's tempting to sleep naked to avoid getting hot, but wearing a nightshirt saves the sheets getting soaked.
Chuckj maisie05
Some days I have to push myself to do things, but when I am doing them, I forget many if my aches and niggles. It is important to maintain a positive frame of mind. Well done for weaning yourself off the tea and coffee, there are so many benefits - amongst which is feeling less shaky and anxious, tea is a diuretic so it means more trips to the loo, meaning a risk of dehydration. So a vicious cycle. Good for you, I like your thinking! 👍