Is there something else wrong?
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Hi ladies, hope you're all doing ok & keeping well. I've had a week from hell(again!)tearfulness, depression & arguments with hubby...even if the wind blows in the wrong direction I'm off in a ranting whirlwind of tears n anger LoL I still have days were I just don't feel right or well & the depression đȘ am I destined to stay in this long dark tunnel, where's the supposed "light at the end?!" I reckon it's now been a year since my last period....I thought things would get back to normal then...well.......have I got something else wrong? am I going to be permanantly in this strange sort of sick state? or continue to get funny body sensations? some days are so-so others are total BLEEP!! đ”  I have noticed sometimes that around the beginning of each month I wouldn't be too bad & days were a bit better but towards the middle/end of each month a lot of these weird scary symptoms are worse...can peri symptoms follow a cyclic monthly pattern? when I was getting periods they'd usually be around the middle of the month...will this settle or stop & I'll get normal months without these ups n downs. After cancelling my holiday 2 months ago I still haven't rebooked as I don't know how I'll be, I usually do a family catch up every year, is now a year since seeing them.  As I've said before...normality were are you?! please come back. My marriage is barely hanging in there, hubby is over in tears, me being snappy grumpy, me being non-responsive/lack of sex (& there's now a reason why & hubby just doesn't like, he makes it sound as though I've always known & not told him omg!) me not feeling well me, me me always something....I've turned into an old bag of worthless misery, never thought I'd end up like this! Rant over....
Stay well ladies xo
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lol64 Bobbins059
caroleUJ62 lol64
TeresaJS Bobbins059
Bobbins059 TeresaJS
Take Care
TeresaJS Bobbins059
Hi Bobins. If you can't take anything, not even bioidentical HRT, then there has to be about the adrenals. Since they sort of "replace" the ovaries as far as sex hormones is concerned they should have to have additional support to perform optimally. Of course GPs and standard doctors wonât anything about adrenal support and all info will have to come from alternative, naturopathic & complementary medicine.
On the other had thereâs an homeopathic med âfoliculinumâ that is prescribed for menopause (thereâs more than one but this is the most recommended) that should do HRTâs job without itâs dangers. Itâs always better do be followed by an homeopath because they can adjust the meds on a weekly, monthly basis and they LISTEN to you! The meds are quite cheap.  I'll try to post here somethig about it.... see if it comes through...T
TeresaJS Bobbins059
So now you have the picture of Folliculinum:
She feels she is controlled by another
she is out of sorts with her rhythms
she is living out someone else's expectations
she feels she is being fed off emotionally or psychologically
she loses her will
she over estimates her energy reserves
she is full of self-denial
she becomes a rescuer, addicted to rescuing people
she becomes drained
she has become a doormat
she has forgotten who she is
she has no individuality.
There is a very strong link here with Carcinosin, and it is not surprising that Folliculinum works well when Carcinosin is indicated but does not act. Cancer cells after all are cells which have lost their identity, lost their ability to differentiate themselves, to individualise. They revert to primitive cells with no selfhood.
she loses sense of herself
she may totally lose herself in her relationships
Folliculinum can help restore the will and re-empower.(...)
susan21149 Bobbins059
To me itsone symptom after another
Just hang in there things will be okay just relax and do not worry so muchÂ
shaznay96184 Bobbins059
Life can be really cr*ppy right now, dealing with all this. Totally feel for you re: unable to take conventional HRT. Was going to suggest it as 2 of my sisters swear by it (one for the sex, the other for the sweaty rants (and believe me without it she's bloody frightening, like a pit bull!).
Can't recall if you're living in Oz?? Another sister lives there. Think she went down the more natural route initially.
Would it be worth checking your health cover to see if its financiaaly viable going to see someone to talk about more natural approaches/ Bioidentical even?
I'm sure I've read on here of loads of women who, like you, cannot take trad HRT. They will be a great source of info for you. Personally I don't think I could go this alone.
I have my Menopace and some Bioidentical progesterone cream that are keeping me straight for now.
Sad to read about your marriage issues. Fortunately we're both so consumed with house sales/relocating, neither of us fancy sex right now. But I do now feel a bit fruity on occasion, so 'use' it while I fancy it.
But when we move we're definitely buying us a bed that don't creak. This one is so bloody noisy, it should be marketed opinion as a form of contraception!!!! :-)
Cheer up kiddo, and do yourself a favour and look into some 'alternative/natural' help cos I know there's something/someone out there to help you :-)
Bobbins059 shaznay96184
Think I will try Harmony Menopause herbal tablets again, I stopped before because I just didn't feel right but I'll endeavour to take it for a longer time...hoping it might do something for this horrible scary sensation that comes over me that leaves me in a blubbering mess, then it eases off just wish it would go away for good!Â
Good luck with your house moving. Take Care, keep wellÂ
TeresaJS Bobbins059