Is this a haemorrhoid (photos)?
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Hi, just looking for a quick opinion. I have suffered with on/off rectal bleeding for the past 20yrs which was triggered age 19 by a very large hard stool. I just wondered if the photos below look like a haemorrhoid? The first one is just how it looks normally without straining. The subsequent two photos were taken when straining. The swelling goes down right after a BM. Thanks.
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MISTAKE - It's the third photo that is non-straining.
lorraine90765 sue18123
They do look like haemoroids Sue but you could also, like me, be suffering with a fissure (skin tear). Your haemoroids aren't filled with blood so should disappear back in over time. Try over the counter pile treatments but may be worth getting checked to see if you have a fissure which could have been caused by undue straining. Fissures can be painful, as can piles. To be sure, worth getting checked out.
sue18123 lorraine90765
Thanks for your reply Elaine. I first saw this 16yrs ago (not 20 as I put earlier, for some reason) after I felt a very distinct tear when going to the loo. I could not say I have "suffered". I never get pain, etc. I would just get on/off blood on the stool. I did have a very large firm BM a couple of months ago and again felt a very painful tear with lots of blood dripping into the toilet, the following BM was pain free, but I still do get on/off blood on the stool. In fact, I noticed blood prior to the tear. I will get it checked, thanks.
sorebutt sue18123
sue18123 sorebutt
Thank you for your reply. Yes, you can see them (with a mirror and sacrifice of dignity, lol) swell up when I strain. I've never suffered pain, although, just blood on the stool which has recurred for the past 16yrs first triggered by an obviousl fissure. I'm just trying some suppositries at the moment.
shirley61689 sue18123
sue18123 shirley61689
Thanks Shirley. I'm kicking myself that I never got a sigmoid done years ago when I was getting bleeding. I supose it's because I know what started it the first time I got it (painful tear when passing a hard stool after being constipated a while) and since then I have seen blood on/off for 16 yrs. Although, I don't get pain. Years ago, I used to often get mild itching & irritation after a BM but that eventually went away. Just blood that has recurred
shirley61689 sue18123
Don't worry they say anything bad and you would be suffering loss of weight loose stools ect.
sue18123 shirley61689
Yes, that tends to be when it's advanced. You can go on for a really long time with seemingly harmless bleeding.
yoh sue18123
I don't know why mine have become so big in just 3 started on the side of the opening but now it's all around and painful.I'm even scared to go to the loo.just used an anusol(first time).I'm waiting to see the result in the morning.(I feel like taking a dump but I have the anusol inside and don't know what to do)
adrian45 sue18123
Just today a haemorrhoid appeared, I think I have had internal ones that may have popped out and gone back in again. I have applied some prescription cream to help ease pain/discomfort (hence the wetness look). I think the haemorrhoid appears to have increased in size bit (only been an hour) or the cream is helping it appear larger. I dislike any kind of illness / discomfort and I'm a bit scared. I hope it has gone down a lot or completley disappeared for tomorrow morning as I am likely to empty my bowels again. My doc has said I have anal tears which is why now and again I have bright red blood on my toilet paper.
It's hard to tell I guess, but the vein is very close to anus opening on my left side.
yoh sue18123
they do look like haemorrhoids.mine had swollen on both sides and were bigger(and painful) but now they are the same size as yours but less painful.i also still have some inside but they aren't painful.I used suppositories and sitz baths(they were recommended).of they are painful do not wipe using a tissue.instead,try a sitz bath after a lessens the pain.I hope u get well soon
adrian45 sue18123
thank you @sue18123. Just an update, went to the docs and saw a trainee/new doc. He did not positively state it was a hemorrhoid, (nor did he say itbwas not), he said did not seem to oroginate from anus and suggests I take some cream. One thing I did say to him though was that occasionally (might even be once/twice every week) when I first wipe I can feel a pea size lump just oustide my anus only on left side, then on the second wipe the lump is gone, maybe back inside anus wall? He got some advice from fellow docs, and hesuggested would be good idea to get a referrel with colon people. I've had a gastroscopy and colonoscopy before serveral years ago and it was awful, so I said I did not want to do that jusy yet. I am going to keep an eye on things, see how often the pea lump appears then go on from there.