Is this a hot flash?
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About an hour ago I was locking up at work and i. A bad mood. All of a sudden I noticed a weird feeling in my chest/back. Felt like a tightening/pulling sensation. Nothing painful, but definitly scared me. I was next to a chair and so i sat down. Then i started to notice a hot kind of sensation in my chest. Started workimg up my neck and into my face. Then it was gone leaving me with cold arms and scared to death. Had something similiar hapoen 2 days ago. Sounds like a hot flash but i dont know about the chest/back part. I had a pretty good heart workup 2 years ago and I was ago. Both timea my stomach felt sick beforw and after. Anyone else experience chest feeling with there hot flashes? Like i said its been about an hour and i still feel a bit shaky and wierd and flushed but NOTHJNG like I did. I also have health anxiety so I dont strange feelings still after an hour could be relayed to.that.
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Fairywren DearDoe
I'm not sure, I haven't had any hot flushes yet..if it were me and I'd had it a few times I'd get it checked out at the Dr's. X
maisie05 DearDoe
I felt my hot flashes over my whole body with chest palpitations and breathlessness.
Take care x
elizabeth142 DearDoe
Hello DearDoe
I am menopausal it's strange really, I get the hot flushes that work from my body to the top of my head I feel like I'm in the tropics! Then after a couple of minutes i feel like I'm in the fridge! Not quite the artic lol..
I am. It sure about the chesty feel you experience, but it does make you feel uncomfortable. My legs and bottom have been very red itchy just recently aswell.
If you are not sure what is going on with you, go and see your doctor just to have a chat they will probably give you a blood test, to see what level your thyroid is it might be low or high get it checked. And they will discuss the next best thing to do with you. Take care liz 😊
bumblebee85 DearDoe
As my symptoms diminished my flushes became more like feelings of warmth some stronger than others this was mainly in chest area sometimes . It's not unusual to feel cold and shivery after a flush. The chest tightness for me was anxiety. If you are concerned better to see Dr .
anetta94863 DearDoe
maisie05 DearDoe
DearDoe maisie05
Hope you are well too.