Is this all my doctor should do??
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My doctor must be distracted half the time. I let him know that I wanted blood work done because I'm starting menopause and having a lot of uncomfortable symptoms, wanted hormone levels tested so he would know what to recommend. After I had the bloodwork done he called to announce "your test results show your starting to go through the change"....🙄 Brilliant-- I tell him yes, I was aware, if he recalled that I had let him know I was in menopause and that's why I wanted my hormones tested. His response was that "your hormones confirm your going through the change"😖 Again, I state yes I realize that, could he go over the levels with me, and he said ok, well your estrogen is low. So, I can give you antidepressants... It was like pulling teeth-- having to explain what I thought already did, that I wanted to understand my hormone levels and how could he address that so I can feel better. He finally said ok he could prescribe Premarin...
is that all I needed to be tested for is low estrogen?? I thought there were other hormones and things to test for in order to best know how to address the symptoms-- but I don't know.. did he cover it pretty adequately?
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jude84900 danielle35642
I think you have done more homework than your doctor and do know your body better and when it doesn't feel right. You are wise to be asking your doctor to run blood work and question the results. It is a shame that so many doctors don't know what their doing and prescribe anti depressants for women that are really not depressed at all they just want relief from the awful menopause symptoms caused by declining hormones in our bodies. The next mistake they make in my opinion is prescribing premarin. This is a synthetic form of estrogen that really does not belong in a womans body. Not sure if many women read what premarin is. It comes from pregnant horse urine. Yes you heard that right. Doctors still prescribe this stuff knowing the effects it had on countless women years ago and instead of taking it off the market they just lowered the milligrams and dosing of it. I would strongly recommend seeing a qualified doctor that will run many many things in your blood work and take the time to explain what your numbers are. They will put you on exactly what your body needs, not a one size fits all deal. They will moniter you regularly through lab work and your symptoms. My personal opinion is only bio identical hormone replacement . Read up on the premarin. Its no wonder so many women don't get good results through hormone treatment. Its just not done properly. I've been on bio identical hormone transdermal creams for almost 2 years. Estriol, Estrodial, Testosterone and Progesterone. Women need testosterone too as it declines and really can make a difference in our well being, I Turned 57 this year and in full menopause over 2 years. I feel great. A good qualified doctor will no doubt put you on various supplements to compliment your hormone replacement too. You can't put a price on good health and happiness at this point in our lives. Many women shy away from paying out of pocket because typical insurance does not cover bio identical hormones or alternative doctors and initially it can be pricey but once you know what you need it is very affordable. Best decision I made at this point in my life. Good luck.
Azzumi jude84900
I completely agree with everything you said. My doctor uses blood work plus my symptoms to workout what hormones to give me. My visits are a little costly but my BHRT works out at $7.00 per week which is incredibly good value. I think we need to be patient with BHRT as it isn't always a quick fix and I found it took longer than expected each change my doctor has made for the hormones to really get in to my system. In saying all that its been worth every cent and every bit of effort to finally start to feel good. My doctor truly saved me and believe BHRT is the only real fix for a lot of women.
jude84900 Azzumi
karen60759 danielle35642
Hi ladies, so I thought i would give an update on my session with the Bioidentical doctor yesterday, she was actually an amazing doctor well worth the money, really listened and has suggested I do a siliva test for a month to monitor my hormone levels to see what's fluctuating - sounds like a good idea to me, didn't even know that was possible - anyone else done this? In the mean time she has also recommended a supplement called stabilium, which is a natural product and appears to work great for anxiety, depression fatigue etc - I'd never heard of it before but the reviews are great, so I thought I would share, she also said it's fine to take it with maca and antidepressants, so I'll let you know how I get on x