Is this Balanitis? I'm 21, had it most of my whole life, no treatment has worked
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Hello, I've seen a doctor many times about a mild condition I have on my penis glans, have been prescribed 3 different creams including Betnovate and a Hydrocortisone, a course of antibiotics and a swab which said I was clear and still the condition remains. I used to have a tight foreskin up until last year which is now sorted from stretching, and I think the condition began during my teenage years when I wasn't able to wash the glans. It often feels dry and can sometmes feel slightly painful when the foreskin retracts, almost like its rubbing and the sensitivity everywhere is quite high still, not sure if this is due to the condition. The urethra opening is always red and inflamed and red areas appear frequently around the glans itself. Any advise on what I should do would be much appreciated, have attached a photo too. Many thanks!
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Pepasan Verstarix
I can't see any problem ??
What I mean is the pic makes your glans look normal to me. I'm not denying you are having a troubling problem - it just doesn't show as such to me in the photo.
johns67574493 Pepasan
Pepasan Verstarix
What I mean is the pic makes your glans look normal to me. I'm not denying you are having a troubling problem - it just doesn't show as such to me in the photo.
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Ben_Simmons Verstarix
Hello Verstarix!
I would like to ask you, have you managed to find information and cure your condition/issues you had in this post? I am asking this because I currently have very similar problems and haven't really got any specific advice for them yet, after specialist visits.
Thanks in advance
Stien0909 Ben_Simmons
Ben_Simmons Stien0909
I have to say that unfortunately nothing has improved significantly. I am still having the same issues, especially when not erect mostly
Have a great one!
Tangki2 Verstarix
Are you washing with soap? If you are don't. It can cause this issue
Stien0909 Verstarix
RealDeal Verstarix
I believe a combination of medications will be effective:
-Azo to dull the urethra irritation
-D Mannose cranberry urinary tract health, bacterial antiadherence
-Antibiotic that treats dermis issues (limited use)
-Ketoconazole shampoo (use small amount 3-4 days a week, lather then let dry for a few minutes, then wash off)
Hope this helps.
Blades402 RealDeal
valtrax is for herpes, he dont need that unless sores develop.
alaa13216 Verstarix
ho28873 Verstarix
hi, do you figure out of your problem?
actually i got the similar symptoms 2years ago (i guess i used too much soup to clean my glans before)
now i still get sensitive glan, sometimes red n sometimes skin peel off. it reli affect my life n i cant dare to have sex because of this problem. my urine mouth also red n sometimes burst a bit too.
i have seen many specailists but none of them can help me. did many bacteria n std test n all of them r negative.
reli want to figure out whats the problem..
Timmyboy Verstarix
My penis glans looks pretty much the same, I went to a urologist a week ago and he said that he can't see anything wrong with it too. I on the other hand had a normal penis for most of my life, but after a rough session it became chaffed, purple around the rim but red everywhere else, and really really dry. To the point it doesn't even produce its own moisture anymore. I've had it like this for more than a year now and it hasn't gotten better even with abstaining from masturbating. Any improvement on your end?
patrick69081 Timmyboy
I'm having the exact same problem as you, Timmy. Although i no longer masturbate the way i used to, i do ejaculate once a week by gently stroking the shaft, but it's incredibly painful afterwards. The lips around the meatus are very red and burn. I cant figure out how to fix it, Im seeing a uroglist next week.
sunny81362 patrick69081
any progress?