Is this considered a fissure ??
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Whissler mary36731
I'm no doctor, but that could be. My Anal fissures are below the opening of the anus. Have you made an appointment with your Colorectal surgeon to see what that is? You might have to see you medical physician first if you need a referral. Try to keep your stool as soft as possible. Sitz bath in hot water for 10-15 minutes after your bowel movement. Use alchohol free baby wipes and find a rectal ointment until you get prescribed something like nifedipine. Look into option from there out. I hope you heal soon.
vaindioux Whissler
I am no doctor either but what else could it be other than a fissure. I would definitely have it checked out by a doctor.
mary36731 Whissler
thank you is that i dont have insurance so but ill see by tuesday i will go see a doctor
Whissler vaindioux
could be a few possible problems. The biggest concern would be cancer. This is why we all need to be screened by a specialist .
ash80473 Whissler
I agree that people should be cautious and always seek medical advice but just to put this in context for the original poster, anal cancer is EXTREMELY rare (and would normally be a hard lump) and anal fissures are EXTREMELY common. Looks exactly the same as when I had a fissure. Read up on everything you need to do to heal. My advice would be to get an osmotic laxative. Ask the pharmacist what they'd recommend. A lot of these aren't really drugs, they just contain a type of salt that makes your colon absorb more water giving you a soft poo. And get on a diet with a moderate amount of insoluble and soluble fibre, but don't overdo it. I'm still trying to get this balance right but the best thing I've done is get on the osmotic laxative.