Is this Gabapentin withdrawal??
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I'm a 34 yo woman, otherwise in good health. I have a history of anxiety and panic attacks but I hadn't suffered any of these in a sever form in over 6 years. I was medication free for years, up until 2 months ago when I went to see a psychiatrist for possible psychosomatic symptoms, I had chronic abdominal pains with no obvious source discovered after several medical tests.
The psychiatrist gave me Gabapentin. She said to take 300mg every night.
I started the medication as she prescribed but after 3-4 days I found they were making me too groggy so I started taking 300mg every 3 days. Then at the end of September I went down to 300mg every 7 days. I had no side effects except for a bit of nausea/dyspepsia, feeling drowsy and my mind was foggy. Around 2 weeks ago I stopped taking them altogether since my abdominal pain was better.
But around 8-9 days after stopping them, I started having these weird symptoms that seemed to come out of nowhere. Anxietywhich has increased to dramatic levels over the last few days, panic sensations on every tiny negative or sad thought, a burning feeling in my throat and nose, horrible heartburn, waves of weakness like an adrenaline rush flowing through my chest, arms and legs. I have strange thoughts, bizarre ideas like mind control and telepathy (that is SO, SO uncharacteristic of me!), confusion - I can't get my thoughts together, can't remember things. Insomnia, can't sleep for more than 1-2 hours at a time... I feel HORRIBLE. There is a bit of stress in my life but nothing that I wouldn't have normally handled decently well.
It all started suddenly 5 days ago and since then it's been hell. Things haven't gotten any better over these days, at the contrary I am worse.
Can this s**t be Gabapentin withdrawal? Because my doctor told me I can quit it cold turkey since it's not addictive but I'm starting to believe it must be... No way I went crazy like that for no reason. I feel like I totally can't control the way my brain is working and overreacting to any emotion and turning it into panic.
Any help is much appreciated.
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joanna66862 rebeccaj
Hi, I have been off Gabapentin since January but was taking 2500mg a day for nearly 3 years. I'm obviously not a medical expert but I would say your symptoms don't seem to sound like they are related to the Gabapentin. I had to go into hospital for withdrawal off this medication and it was like (I'm told) coming off Heroin and lasted approximately 2-3 days. I wouldn't think on your dosage and the fact you didn't take the meds everyday you should really have side effects like that. The side effects were nausea/vomiting/profusely sweating/ shaking/limb pain etc, not anxiety like sypmtoms. Although if your worried about coming off the medication then maybe this is why you've begun to feel anxious etc. If I were you I would see my doctor and speak to them.
lisa59222 joanna66862
hi rebeccaj,
I was wondering, were you under a physicians care when coming off gabapentin? I have been on Gabapentin for 3 1/2 years for nerve pain. I believe this horrid drug makes my nerve pain worse. I am wanting to come of this drug. I have read so many horror stories regarding withdrawls and I am terrified coming off this drug. What withdrawal symptoms did you experience coming off gabapentin? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
joyce74357 lisa59222
I'm titrating off and yes like you was put on it for peripheral nerve pain.It made me worse burning and gastritis. I was on 300 3× a day.Started on Aug 16.
Am now down to 250. 100 2× a day .50 afternoon .It is hell but better than losing my memory and worse nerve pain .Go onto face ook and ask to join gabapentin withdrawl and lots of folks will give you info.I joined last week and as a support group it is excellent While going through this we need that .
lisa59222 joyce74357
thank you so much for the feedback. I am ready to get off this drug, but I am. so scared due to the horrible withdrawal symptoms I have read.
joanna66862 lisa59222
Hi Lisa - I was on Gabapentin for compressions on nerves in the brain, it didn't actually make much difference, and now trialing new pain relief. Personally I wouldn't come off high doses of Gabapentin without being under the direction of a doctor/hospital. I was in hospital as an inpaitent whilst coming off and also had to have intravenous pain relief/anti nausea drugs and be monitored for side effects. Please never just stop taking the meds as this can be dangerous, you have to be weaned off slowing if not in hospital. It seems more doctors are now prescribing Gabapentin a lot less than previously as they become more aware of withdrawal according to my doctor.
lisa59222 joanna66862
hi joanna,
so sorry to hear of your nightmare coming off this evil drug. yes, I plan on being under the supervision of a physician coming off this drug. I am so terrified of the unwanted withdrawal symptoms. I am hoping all goes well for me getting off this drug as I feel this drug is actually making my nerve pain worse. I had an accident in 2015 which resulted in an incomplete spinal cord injury and neck surgery to repair 3 disc.
joanna66862 lisa59222
Lisa, that sounds awful. Try not to be to worried, if you come off very slowly you may not experience any withdrawal at all. I started weaning myself off before going into hospital as my Neurologist warned me they would reduce very quickly which causes more extreme side effects, I was an inpatient for 2 weeks undergoing other tests so they wanted a quick withdrawal. Coming off slowly before going into hospital caused no side effects at all, nothing. I'm glad your doing it under the supervision of your doctor, take it slowly even if it takes a few months. Good Luck.
lisa59222 rebeccaj
were you under a physicians care when coming off of gabapentin? I have been on it for 3 1/2 years for nerve pain. I am wanting to come off this horrid drug. I believe gabapentin is making my nerve pain worse. I have read so many horror stories about gabapentin withdrawal symptoms. what withdrawal symptoms did you experience and how did you get off this evil drug? any suggestions would be appreciated.
britany45497 rebeccaj
i came off gabapentin about 3 months ago. it gave me soooooo many problems that if i had a chance to change my life i would never take this drug. back pain, teeth ache, burning sensations etc. caused this drug. i advice you not to take this drug again and not to take any antidepressants . good luck to you.
JohnLucky888 rebeccaj
I just been prescribed Gabapentin 300mg once a day (doctor said after dinner) for "nerve pain" because doctors do not know where the pain is coming from (shifting pain when changing posture but mainly abdominal), I been prescribed 30 tabs with 4 refills!!! right off the bat??? After reading these comments, I am scared to try. I am already on ambien and finally finished antibiotics.
It's suppose to treat seizures and block pain nerves, meaning the pain is still there but you can't feel it, i feel this is dangerous?
joanna66862 JohnLucky888
Hi - unfortunately conventional pain relief doesn't work for nerve pain so certain types of anti-depressants and anti-convulsants are prescribed. I was on 2500mg a day for 3 years and have tried just about every other anti-convulsant you can think of; Topirimate for me worked the best but I had to come off quickly as they think it may have caused eyesight issues and Kidney Stones! If your nervous about taking Gabapentin speak to your doctor and see if there's something else he would prescribe. Personally Gabapentin I think whilst your on it has the fewest and least extreme side effects, just ensure you come down off it slowly under supervision. I personally had no issues whilst on it at all, it just didn't work hence the high dose. My new Neurologist always gives me at least 2 drug options, she sends me the side effect sheet for each drug and then lets me choose the one I prefer to trial! I think if you look at the options for anti-convulsants you should be allowed to make an informed choice personally, especially now the drug has been upgraded to a Class C (if your in the UK).