Is this gallbladder related?

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A week ago I woke up with lower right abdominal cramping.  It was up in my right rib amd them down inder my hip bone.  Not miserable, but uncomfortable.  I have continuned to have this mild discomfort for over a week.  I habe had healthy bowel movements every day, and even did a laxative to make sure I was cleaned out.  

It feels kind of like trapped gas, but ive never had it last this long.  It does come and go throughout the day but never completely goes away for more than a few hours.

I do have IBS, but thats usually just the gas pains and lasts for a few hours and them is over. 

I’m 38 female, not overweight at all-115lbs and otherwise completey healthy.  

I have been told this aounds like gallbladder pain, but I have heard the pain is AWFUL and lasts a day at most before subsiding.  This feels like trapped gas pain but always in the same place and not relieved by gas x or gaviscon.  

We have no insurance and my health anxiety can make me hyper aware of things and rushing to the dr for nothing.  

Hoping for some experience or ideas to help.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    It does sound a little bit like gallbladder but gallbladder pain can be very intense with nausea and it can go up into your shoulder and around your middle stomach you may be having a little bit of gastritis you may lay down flat on the floor the bed and just massage your stomach in that area and see if you can relieve the gas bubbles
  • Posted

    I had the same symptoms a few weeks ago and the pain just got to be too much. I went to the hospital and they couldn't find what it was at first but the next morning they said my white blood cells were a little high which indicated an infection. The doctors agreed that it was appendicitis. I also was operated for gall stones in the past and that pain was very similar. The pain would start at the center of my abdomen and then it would get more intense. I endured for months without knowing what it was at the time. My advice to you is if the pain or discomfort persists go get it checked out. Especially if vomiting starts to occur.

  • Posted

    Go to the nearest E/R even if you have no insurance. Have it checked out. They will not turn you away.
  • Posted

    The pattern of IBS symptoms can change and no one flare up is like another.  My first IBS flare up lasted three and a half months.  Others have lasted a few hours, days or weeks.  This is normal for IBS and it is very common to worry that it is someth8ng else if you experience an IBS symptom that you have not had before.

    I get pain but no bowel habit change at times but on other occasions my bowel habits do change. Other people can experience rib pain with IBS Try avoiding gassy vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and  Brussels sprouts; avoid fizzy drinks.  Milk or bicarbonate of soda can release gas.

    From what you are describling, it doesn’t sound like gallbladder pain which can be much more severe.  Some people get right sided abdominal pain with IBS.  Pain can be felt just about anywhere with Irritable bowel.

    Ribcage pain an also be caused by gastritis.


    • Posted

      Thank you!  IBS symptoms seem so wide and varied that it’s so hard to know when to go see a dr.  I tend to freak out and run to the dr and there isn’t much they can say.  I hate questioning every little thing that goes on.  

      Again, it’s not even’s like a catch in my rib cage.  Like a bubble of gas.  Or heartburn.  So running to the ER would be pointless and expensive.  While they can’t tirn me away, I still have to pay those bills at some point...and they aren’t cheap!  So i don’t want to run in if it’s not truly necessary.  

      Again, I think it’s just hard to know when something needs a dr and when you just chalk it up to IBS because the symptoms are so vague.  

      I always appreciate your advice Pippa!  You’re knowledgeable and kind.  Thank you 

    • Posted

      You would only need to see a doctor if you were passing blood, particularly the dark variety, or if you had rapid, unexplained weight loss.  If you don’t have these red flag symptoms, you don’t need to worry.

      Thanks for the compliment.

    • Posted

      Thank you!  Truly, that helps.  Never have had those issues.  Sounds more like IBS or gastritis.  I feel like if it was gall bladder the pain would be worse.
    • Posted

      If it was your gallbladder, the pain would be a lot more severe.   I have heard of people being curled up in ball with gallbladder pain. It does sounc a lot like an IBS flare up.

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