Is this IC?

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in the last few months I've had Ui which has been treated with 2 courses of antibiotics, now I feel like I have the urge to pee all the time accompanied by burning/aching sensation, tried 5 days of antibiotic with no change.  My dr has done dip test which showed no infection but did show blood cells. Has anyone else's got this? From what I've read it sounds like IC? Any advice from other sufferers?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Your dr needs to send you to a urologist as blood in urine is not a good sign. You may need more comprehensive tests aswell as an mri scan on your bladder. Menopause can make you incontinent it has done that to me, but I"ve never shown blood in my urine with the exception of when I was pregnant and I had very high protein in my wee and that made me bleed internally thus the bloody urine. That was a hormonal issue but I really do think you need to see a specialist as no infection is obviously still present. Hugs to you at this worrying time. Let me know how you get on.XXX

    • Posted

      Thanks I'll see what the dr says when the lab results come back.

  • Posted

    Hi amber I had the same thing get off the coffee .tea .choclate the caffeine aggravates the lining of the bladder it will only take a few days to settle drink warm water for those few days then have a prebiotic to replace good bacteria from biopics it worked for me and it was from this forum I found it ....good luck sweetie let me know if it works x
    • Posted

      Hi Karen, I've cut out caffeine as it definitely made it worse.  Will try the probiotics as well,  what are biopics? Did you test show blood cells present?


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