Is this Lyme or not?! Plz plz help me

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above is all the daily symptoms that I have been experiencing since august 6th. august 1st i got a bite that spread on leg. I TRULY believe i have lyme and i had a postive elisa plus only one marker on western blot. i feel i am dying. seen 6 doctors and nobody will listen to me. what do you think?

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    if you passed the elisa and you have all the clinical symptoms of lyme then you should be treated, the western blot fluctuates, I had more bands as time went on and the more aggressively i was treated.. its criminal you haven't been treated with all the admittance of how rubbish the testing is, even so you did have some evidence of lyme when testing and clinical symptoms yet you still weren't treated. . . this is so utterly wrong. You need to stop wasting time and be seen by a proper lyme doctor while you are still in the early stages of lyme. General doctors wont help with this, every day you waste with not seeing the correct doctor you risk 'chronic lyme' . contact ilads they can help you.

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