Is this menapause?
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Started with 4 visits to the ER this week. I am 47, a bit overweight, and smoke less than 1/2 a pack a day. I am on NO medications and do not take any kind of drugs, recreational or street. No family history of heart issues, diabetes, cholesterol, etc. BP is always fine, cholesterol is a bit hight...240-260 range. First trip was due to chest pain but only felt it with deep breraths, it was not constant. I have also been having discomfort in my left arm (for about 2 months) which I think the best way to describe it is overuse of the muscle. I also had a rspid heartbeat that only lasted maybe 15 seconds and I just felt a little off. At the ER I had a full work up. EKG's, blood work that all came back negative for sugar, cardiac enzymes, thyroid, etc. Chest xray that showed my heart and lungs looked fine. Also had a CT scan with contracst to check for a blook clot in the lung...negative, also did an US on my left leg as I also had a strange sensation in my thigh that lasted less than a minute. Negative for a blood clot. I was not short of breath, just a bit scared. I am someone who pretty much just has an annual physical. I do not get sick. Needless to say I made 3 more trips to the ER. One doc was thinking anxiety (I am not and have never been an anxious person or depressed). I had two episodes of catching my breath (tears too!) while waiting for the ambulance. Blood pressure has always been good, although it did drop at the second ER visit to 110/44 and I started having a sensation high in the chest that I can ony describe as being a bit scared seeing my bp drop making me feel like I might start "gasping" for breath. The doc listened to my lungs/chest and found nothing. I left and ended up back at the ER that night and the next afternoon due to feeling so exhuasted and just not myself. I was reassured that all was well. More blood work, EKG's, all negative. Saw my PCP, he does not feel it is anxiety, knows that I am not one to go to the doctor due to a sniffle. I have a stress test set up next week to see if that will revelal anything, Menopause was mentioned at my ER visits and my PCP feels it may be perimenapause. I am completely wiped out (although today I am feeling a bit more like myself). Eating the last few days has been a chore. I know I need to eat, but geez I really had to make myself eat. A few times I wanted to just vomit even though I did not feel sick to my stomach. After much research on line this is what I have found for symptoms that are listed that I have: My period this month was 2 weeks late (you can set a clock by me..I am NEVER late), for about 2-3 weeks I was having electric shocks, only at work. Everytime I handed someone paperwork I gave them a shock or it I put my hand on a doorway or door knob, I got a shock. I also have had 4 UTI's in the last 2-2.5 years (I have only had one prior when I was in my early 30's). For the most part I am a healthy person as confirmed by the doc. This has really got me concerned as I know my body, I am never sick, and this really has me concerned. Is this what some people go through with menopause or perimenapuse? If this is truly what it is I must say it totally sucks! I have never been so wiped out before. Ugh!!!
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monique_93857 beebop
Welcome to our world it definitely sounds like me and I am 51 and have been through almost everything you just describe except er visits I have white coat fright the min I see a doc I get so anxious it's all bad I am on blood pressure meds but nothing else knocking on wood praying not yo ever have to be on anything else I to am a bit over weight I've cut out many things in y diet potatoes rice bread anything with high carbs I feel sluggish at times I go through anxiety very achey joints my shoulders And wrist have been so bad these past few days it's horrible I also have what they call sun syndrome I get depression when the sun isn't out I experience anxiety really bad when it's gloomy outside and when it rains I ache like the Dickens well these are some of what I have experienced hope you feel better xoxoxox
elizabeth2244 beebop
I agree it does suck because i feel like i have gained weight. I was down at 195 now the scale reads 203 i don't know if this is muscle or weight.
I feel tired at all times. I work a job from 3 to 10 in the evening and when i come home my body is tired but my mind is awake and its hard to wind down. My legs hurt and so do my feet. Now my left knee has a hurting sensation to it when i bend it or walk up the stairs it feels like its going to go out
Sometimes i feel like i have a loss of balance i do catch my self but sometimes i pull a muscle when i do.
This is part of menopause, your heart rate will go up and sometimes your blood pressure goes up or down
Then we have the cramps like a period is going to come and the late periods
I hope you feel better soon there is no end to menopause it seems like
Mable1964 beebop
Hi beebop. Poor you this menopause is a nightmare!!! I havent ended up in A&E but have had many trips to Drs. Get palpations, electric shocks, muscle spasms and weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, upset tum, etc etc!! I also have vit b12 deficiency so Dr seems to alternate between blaming menopause and b12!! Don't seem to be getting anywhere there though and apart from b12 injections nothing is prescribed. Try oral vit D spray - food for energy apparantly. Good luck and hope you feel better soon
debbie75601 Mable1964
metamorphed beebop
hi as someone else said 'welcome to our world', everything you wrote happened to me last year. Same as you maybe one visit to doctor per year prior to all this. You feel so out of sorts but it is what it is, perimenopause. I had the same tests as you and the same amount of hospital visits. Everything you described was me. That was a year ago and I'd love to say it all went away but sadly no. The madness you're feeling now subsides a bit but there is more to come. Start looking after yourself because it does wipe you out.
jamie53221 metamorphed
And feels like it's neverrrrrrrr ending??
Thank you everyone for your comments. It does make me feel better. Looking over all the symptoms I like to think I am lucky, so far anyway, that I only have a few. I hope I did not just jinx myself by typing that. Hopefully the upcoming stress test might give me a definite answer. I know I am not alone in this and that it just plain sucks for all of us. Thank you again.