Is this my appendix, or am I going insane?

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Hello everyone, any input or help would be beyond helpful because I’m literally losing my mind. 

Everything started out about 10 days ago with a minor weird sensation in my stomach. Kinda felt like a full off feeling like I worked out to hard. This accompanied odd bowl movements & no pain.  Two days past & I decided to go to a small clinic as I felt the odd sensation move to my right hip. I almost instantly knew it was something to do with my appendix. I got the okay. So I continued on with school & work but felt off. Later that week I was in the er I got a cat scan blood work ultrasound urin everything came back fine! So I moved on with this odd stomach sensation. Felt like a ball was in my stomach a fullness or something just very uncomfortable. By this point I didn’t want to eat. So the next day I went back to the er & they did the same tests blood cat scan physical test told me I had 50% of appendicitis symptoms. I got the results back & they said I was fine & it was anxiety. So I graduated from school on that Friday I felt awful stomach was upset I thought i was going to pass out when I walked across the stage but I got through it. So I thought it was nerves but I broke down that day literally freaked out started running around yelling & crying saying that there was something wrong with my appendix. I was constipated my stomach felt weird the ball feeling & now sharp right side pains on & off. Again I’m thinking appendix so I freak out all weekend had chills no fever no vomiting no nausea just weird sharp pains randomly & odd bowl movements no appetite etc.  I go back to the er on Sunday night day (9) I get a cat scan blood work physical test, GI cocktail whatever that nasty thing is. & they tell me it’s because of alcohol intake & that my appendix is fine. So finally I start to think okay maybe they are right maybe it’s in my head. But now everything is full force I’m not sleeping well I have on & off sharp right side pains that last sometimes a full hour.  this weird sensation in my belly button that feels like somethings poking  out of it, the ball feeling in my right side kinda feels like trapped air & this nagging hip feeling like I pulled someting. Now am I losing it?is this something that I’m making up? Could all of this be me? Or could this be something serious??  I’m having mental break downs through out the day & night cry & freaking out & googling like an idiot about the possible causes, everything I mean EVERYTHING comes back as my appendix. PS sorry for the book but I really needed to get this off my chest & mind cause I feel hopeless. 

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    U need to go to a different er
    • Posted

      I’ve been to two different er’s though & they say I’m crazy & it’s all in my head I just know something isn’t right even my family is thinking I’m over exaggerating & obsessed with the fact it’s my appendix wouldn’t I have died by now? 

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