Is this my health anxiety?

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for the last day i have experienced what looks like static in my eyes. i have read this can be caused by stress and i have been extremely anxious over the last 7 weeks. because of my health anxiety i automatically think the worst.

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    not to worry Oliver.

    Visual disturbances are extremely common with anxiety and stress. Static vision, blurred vision, floaters in the vision, etc. I have had them all!

    I have had vision where it looks like I’m looking through steam where everything is wavy. I’ve had it were it did look like flashing static and a few Times I was unable to see my peripheral vision. That one was scary.

    But this started for me when I was in my 20s after years of intense anxiety.

    I am now in my 50s and everything is fine. Of course it didn’t take that long ha ha but when the visual symptoms are due to anxiety, they are not harmful. They can be weird and scary but that’s all they can do.

    Now I still do have occasional floaters in my vision when I have anxiety, but I basically ignore them and they go away.

    Anxiety and stress usually shows symptoms in the nervous system so when tiny nerves become irritated in the eye, you can get those symptoms.

    but try to reduce your anxiety level and you will notice that the symptoms will begin to diminish. The more you worry about them the more you will have them.

    Also it’s really good to have a thorough eye exam at least once a year so think about that if you haven’t had one in a long time.

    hope this helps! You’re going to be OK. ❤

    • Posted

      i really appreciate that. I am 18 so i know any brain issues are extremely rare. i just see what i can describe as tv static, especially when looking at white or black surfaces. its super scary, and like i mentioned. With health anxiety its 110% worse.

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      hi Jan,

      just out of curiosity, how long did the vision issues last?

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      I’m trying to remember how long they lasted. So it wasn’t continuous. I maybe had it for maybe a few days and then it would subside. But if I got really stressed out it could possibly come back. It really depends on the amount of anxiety you have. Now the floaters have stayed but I really only see them if I look up at the sky. I don’t even really think about them because I know that they are harmless. what I think would really relieve you is if you had an eye exam to give you peace of mind.. people who get migraine headaches often have visual disturbances as well. It’s pretty common. as long as you’re not having any other type of physical symptoms, just make sure you’re getting your regular overall physical check ups and eye exams and you’ll be fine!

    • Posted

      i got an eye exam yesterday. all was clear thankfully. Yesterday i had the dry, static eyes and now today its blurry vision. hoping is subsides in a couple days!

  • Posted

    I always have visions when im facing the mirror that i am having a stroke, like my face is slurging downwards. And i quickly wash my face with cold water and drink something hot and nice to calm me down. i have this almost everyday when anxiety comes. i hope you feel better Oliver

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