Is this normal!?

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i have a racing heart the majority of the day, even when im not really feeling anxious. If its not racing im uncomfortably aware of my heart beating if that makes sense? i suffer anxiety and i get chest pains etc. after eating and sometimes without eating i get what feels like a heavy chest and im more aware of my heart beating? its freaking me out and im terrified!!! ive had ecg and chest xray and apparently everythint looks okay. someone please help im a young mum with 3 young kids and need help 😦(((

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5 Replies

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    yes it’s perfectly normal when you have anxiety. The racing heart is due to the release of adrenaline. Even if you don’t feel anxious, there is an underlying anxiety that is causing this.

    It is harmless and that’s the important thing to remember!

    there’s a great way to reduce the heart rate. Look for something on YouTube called stop panic attacks now, then scroll down to one called don’t panic. It’s in black bold letters. She will guide you through this and you will notice your heart rate has calmed down.

    The key to calming down the anxiety is proper breathing.

    also, don’t overthink this. Remember your test was normal. The more you sit around and think, the more you will have the symptoms. I have been through this many times. What helps me are the meditations, positive thinking, and staying busy!

    you are completely healthy! You just have to learn some anxiety management. Consider speaking with a counselor for support. It has helped me a lot.

    millions of people go through the same thing every day so you’re definitely not alone. Mental attitude is everything! Feel better soon., And take it one day at a time. Take care

    • Posted

      thanks for the reply!! i will certainly try these things out, thank you. Do you know if they heavy achy chest is normal? ive been getting it a lot more these passed few days and breathless, thanks

    • Posted

      yes heavy chest with anxiety is absolutely common. Millions of people including myself have experienced that. that’s why it’s important to learn some of the breathing exercises also on YouTube. Proper breathing is the key to relaxing everything and bringing down the heart rate etc. But the main thing is not so much the symptoms as it is getting to the root cause. Sometimes people have things going on in their lives that is causing internal anxiety and that’s why I mentioned the counselor. also anxiety may come and go but it’s really what you do with that and your mental attitude that’s important! Hope you feel better soon!

    • Posted

      thanks so much. I will try it all out. Just cant believe what anxiety can do to you, it is making me ill physically and mentally!! hope your well x

    • Posted

      hi, sorry for being a pest but youve already put me at ease so feel like you could again! i still have the heavy feeling and it scares me. i phoned nhs24, they didnt seem concerned and i do keep remembering the other month my ecg and chest xray was okay. do you think its possible for that to dramatically change in a short period of time or am i just totally anxiety out my head! my mind is doint overtime. i have constant tension too in my neck and shoulders beginning to wonder if maybe i have it in my chest too with all this worry

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