Is this normal
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Feel like im going nuts. I was told by my doctor i was peri menaporsal when i was 48 im now 52. anxiaty big time, depreshion, feel as the whole worlds againt me. i have fybroids ( One removed and biopsy done and all ok . i had a coil fitted because my periods were all over the place i get the feelings and the bloating but dont get mutch bleeding now, i cry a lot , i get night sweats and dont sleep to well .sex, whats that.? .My husband isnt at all impressed, ive started to have a brain fog,, everything i do goes wrong, im very forgetfull. He gives the impression he understands then the next minute hes haveing a paddy over something ive done or more likely that i havent and says i do things on perpose just to wind him up ..arrrrg.. im fed up.
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natacha66 pauline37906
Yes, it is all normal. I became perimenopause at 37. Now 49 I am in a good place and I stopped HRT, which I took for 2 yrs.
as u I couldn't understand the changes. I thought I was going mental.
Many people wouldn't understand why I was low and my moods would fluctuate.
It is like PMT but unfortunately lasts for a while. Mine lasted a good 10'yrs until I been HRT and went back on fluoxetine. Now off HRT and taking citalopram.
Yes I know we don't want to rely on tablets but after tying everything herbal there was no way out.
I succumbed to allopathic treatments. Citalopram deals with my anxiety and helps me think straight, helps me function.
It is so hard to overcome these feelings that over takes us and others around us don't get it.
Sex u will go off it. I went off it for 6 yrs. good thing I was single and focusing on my kids issues. So that was the last thing on my mind. But things do get better.
There are things u can do such as meditation. Many apps for that. Yoga or Pilates are good as well.
It's not all doom and gloom.
Anything u need we are here to help.
pauline37906 natacha66
2chr2015 pauline37906
Pauline. I don't think peri is normal at all! We are just one big happy miserable family on here. Lol. Seriously though, I am sorry you are having a tough time and hope the depression lifts soon. Everything can feel so overwhelming. I just take a deep breath. Hugs
pauline37906 2chr2015
ImagineOneDay pauline37906
pauline37906 ImagineOneDay
Sochima822 pauline37906
If the coil isn't working for you maybe you should go back and see your doctor.
pauline37906 Sochima822
MoodyNoire pauline37906
I feel for you Pauline. I'm there too. I think husbands want to understand, but I know I don't understand this stuff so there's no way I can expect hubby to. I just wish they could experience it themselves so they would know how hard it makes our lives.
pauline37906 MoodyNoire
MoodyNoire pauline37906
Hi Pauline, I have a very understanding husband and he's really suffered a lot along with me. He never pressured me to take bhrt, but when I finally did he was thrilled. I had tried everything under the sun from lifestyle changes, exercise, supplements, antidepresants, etc. Some women can make changes and deal with peri without hormone therapy. It all depends on the severity of your symptoms. Mine were horrible but I was afraid of hrt. Finally I broke down and decided peri was ruining mine and my family's life and started bhrt. It was the best thing to do for me, I wish I could go back in time and start it a lot sooner. Hrt is not as bad as once believed and bhrt is an even better option. Good luck!
stephanie97023 pauline37906
Hi Pauline, I am going through exactly the same as you it is a total nightmare, fortunately I have an understanding husband. I have tried most things and now I'm trying HRT . My night sweats have stopped so at least I'm getting more sleep and i have only been on it two weeks but I think I do feel better. Please don't suffer go to your doctors and tell them you need help and if not change your doctor. This web site is a life saver, your not alone. X
pauline37906 stephanie97023
looloo43 stephanie97023
Hi Stephanie. so glad you are getting some improvement on the hrt already. like you i began to feel improvement 2to 3wks after starting it (i started in april). especially with the mental symptoms & headaches. the only niggling thing, i have had 2 of the intense stubborn headaches that last all day this week (got one today) & i haven't had any since april..... i'm also having a light bleed, so i am putting it down to hormone fluctuation. hrt is wonderful, but i suppose hormones do fluctuate ridiculously, & even on hrt, we should expect the odd "bad day". on the whole hrt has done me the power of good, i am ill with other issue, & i truly think if i hadn't started hrt when i did, i would've slipped into a deep spiral of depression by now. x