Is this peri menopause?

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Hello- I would very much like some advice.

I am 38 years old, and over the last year particularly I seem to have a constant and ever growing list of symptoms, leading to where I am now.

initially I started with pains in my stomach, especially around my mid cycle, severe pelvic pain (like my pelvic bone was throbbing with pain), and sore breasts. My periods have got heavier and I was referred to the gynaecologist for tests for endometriosis. The Dr didn't think it was endometriosis and asked me to keep an eye on my symptoms and see them again in 6 months. However, those pains seem to have been replaced with worse ones- particularly palpitations, to the point I ended up in A&E, when I thought I was dying but in fact had a panic attack because of the palps. All ECGs have been normal and my Heart rate and blood pressure is low.

Since then I have been told I have iron deficiency anaemia and are on iron tablets while also waiting to see someone at the palpitation clinic.

Since having the panic attack I can feel the axiety sweep over me every time I have a palpitation and I hate feeling like this- it makes me feel physically odd, it's the only way I can describe it. Like I'm worried, scared and have a feeling of dread at the same time. Like someone's told me some bad news. I've never had anxiety before and I'm finding t hard to deal with.

ive also started having hot flushes (hot face noticeable to other people) and some nights am like a hot water bottle in bed with the skin between my breasts wet through.

Anything else?! Oh yes, electric shock feelings up my neck and throat and pains in what feels like the muscles between my ribs on my left hand side.

I feel like a hypercondriac. 

My question is- how would I know if I'm experiencing perimenopause? Does any of this sound like perimenopause or am I too young? 

Or am am actually falling to pieces and/ or going mad? 

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14 Replies

  • Posted


    Sounds very much like peri.

    Why don't you go to your doctor and ask for bloods to be done really hormone balance xx

  • Posted

    You are expierencing perimenopause. I have the same things going on with me and I'm 38 also. The last 7 months have been a roller coaster ride and all kinds of symptoms and thinking I'm going to die. So I know exactly how you feel. I have the palps, night sweats, hot flushes and so many more the list is too long. You are in a good place for support, suggestions and a listening ear. You are not alone. We're here for you and each other.
    • Posted

      Thank you everyone-

      I have seen the doctor, but that's recently been about the palpitations and the anaemia. Funnily enough it was my husband who raised the thought of the menopause and my Mum also wondered if that was what it may be as my Grandmother had an early menopause.

      Jamie, has a doctor told you this is what you are experiencing? I'm new to this, but do doctors even accept peri menopause exists? I didn't even know you could have anything to do with hormones checked.

      Thank you all for making me feel a little bit more normal! X

    • Posted

      My gyno said it was a possibility but blood tests may not be reliable as hormones fluctuate from hour to hour. I've been to the ER 8 times, docs visits 5 times, and 2 overnight hospital stays for heart monitoring. I've had EKG's, Bloods, Echocardiograms, MRI, CT scans, xrays you name it and all comes back normal. I'm thankful for that, so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know it's hormones. The only thing came back was anemia (which I already knew), borderline high blood pressure, and low Vit D. So now I take an iron supplement, folic acid, Vit D supplement, and a blood pressure pill. I have some lorazapem and busiperone for anxiety that I've only taken a few times. I've never dealt with anxiety but I do now. I have so many symptoms that come and go. My cycles have gotten shorter and lighter. My mom, grandma, and aunties had early peri/meno. Some we're done by 40 years old, so it's not uncommon in my family. My mom had the same symptoms when she started. So I have made some lifestyle adjustments to help cope a little better. Sometimes it's helps and sometimes not so I deal with it best I can.
  • Posted

    I get the left side rib pressure/pain. Are you constipated? The hot flushes are normal for peri/menopause. Have you been checked by your doctor yet? I have seen several, and am ruling things out , since I have so many issues! Too many to list, but most are symptoms of menopause. You are not going mad, it is real, and it stinks! Just take one day at a time, and get checked out by your GP. 
  • Posted

    Sophie, I could have written this, I have been thru the same hell you are describing and I am so thankful to find this fourm with all of these wonderful women on here. I don't know what I would do without them to get me thru the crazy times. There are the days that you do feel like you are going mad. I almost thought about asking my mom to drive me to the psych ward to get check out, it was that bad. I then started keeping a chart and noticing most of these bad bad symptoms were right before my cycle or just as my cycle was ending. Each of these times are when our hormones fluctuate. But then I will have it all month long and wonder what on earth is gong on. This started right after my 40th birthday and I am now 41. I pray I dont have to endure this for 10 years! Hugs to you, we are all in this together
  • Posted

    I think I put that last comment in the wrong to online forums too!!!

    I'm not constipated as far as I'm aware, but I've noticed I my stomach goes mad after I have a palpitation (and associated anxiety!)

  • Posted


    Yes your age too.

    mum and her mum early meno.

    left sided gastro pain (fleeting though) 

    constipation and now SIBO ..


    periods now very three weeks ..

    dont fret too much. 

    Blood hormones MAY not help you at this stage so Drs reluctant to test.

    dont fret too much..


  • Posted

    Hi Sophie. Welcome to the peri club, where normal things don't happen very often! x
  • Posted

    Sophie. I have just joined this forum due to recent er visits this past week. I am waiting to have a stress test done on Friday to hopefully get e definite answer. I too have some of the same symptoms as you. Electric shocks caught my eye. I had these just recently at work for about 2 weeks. Only at work. First time ever my period was 2 weeks late ( I am 47). Very tired, left arm muscle soreness and slight chest pain which finally brought me to my first er visit. Total work up and everything is good. My doc thinks perimenapausal. WTH!!!  I will not go into all the details but please know that we are not alone. See your doc and write down all your concerns and symptoms. Good luck. 

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