Is this peri menopause, rather than just anxiety and depression?

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Hello - I feel like I have just had a revelation!

I am nearly 44 and I have a long history of PMS, and I suffered with PND when my first child was born. When I tried the Mirena coil I endured permanant PMS for 10 months until I had it removed.

So it's safe to say that my hormones have always been very troublesome.

For the last year I have noticed that my cycle is slightly shorter and my periods are much lighter. I no longer have the painful cramps, or aching boobs. But, I have also noticed that I am sweatier than before, and my normal deodrant can't seem to cope.

The emotional symptoms of my PMS have also changed. I no longer get The Rage which stopped the second my period arraived. But instead I feel very low and hopeless, feelings which start a week before my period and continue right through it, and for a day or two afterwards.

Some months I only really get 7-10 'good days' culminating in my feeling very relaxed and happy round about the time of ovulation, then it all quickly slides downhill. My 'good' and 'bad' days seemed to be getting more extreme.

Then suddenly, out of the blue last Autumn I started to suffer with anxiety. It got bad quite quickly and I couldn't cope. My GP put me on anti depressants and beta blockers, and informed me I was anxious because I'd had a stressful year (which I had).

3 months on, and the anti depressants only seem to 'work' for about 10 days a month. The rest of the time I feel anxious, and very low and it's a struggle to get through the day. The anxiety is horrible, it's ruining my life and there's simply no rational reason for it.

But today, which is Day 12 of my cycle I feel relaxed and perfectly normal - and I can tell I am ovulating.

Am I right in thinking the only reason I feel okay and good for only 10 days a month is because my oestrogen levels are increasing? On the days I actually ovulate I feel incredibly chilled out and at peace.

On all the other 'bad days' I feel anything from mildly depressed to full blown panic. It's horrible. I can't take any pleasure in anything.

Do these symptoms sound familiar to anyone? There's simply NO REASON for me feeling so anxious, and with this sense of impending dread & doom in my stomach. I have little interest in sex, and several times have experienced random insomnia, and also hot flashes where my skin feels white hot on my chest and throat.

I don't want to take anti-depressants and beta blokcers when what my body really needs is a bucket full of oestrogen.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi and welcome to Perimenopause! Don't panic -you sound completely normal.

    Take a good look around the internet- we are fortunate these days that we have a wealth of information out there to share .

  • Posted

    Yes indeed, perimenopause has arrived!! I have all the same symptoms. I really struggled with sleep and anxiety (and have no excuse for it, my life has no stress). I have been seeing a natuopath for natural supplements to help my body ease itself into the next phase of my life. They do seem to be helping although slowly. I am more even (my moods, I mean) throughout the month, with less ups and way less downs. I feel almost like the old me. Don't give in to it, there are lots of options especially natural ones.
  • Posted

    I really thought I had written your post because it is exactly what I am going through. I am on Welbutrin for my depression and anxiety but now I'm wondering if all of that is because of my peri. My doc has me taking Prozac 14 days of the month but so far its just been a waste of money. My mood swings can only be called frightening and I have asked my husband if he would like me to go away during my cycle so our marriage can survive this. Tomorrow I am going to see a compound pharmacist to get my hormones tested properly and start using hormone creams that are made just for my body and not pills that are for every woman. Hopefully she can help me get my hormones balanced out enough that I can stop being 'crazey'. Lol. I'm also hoping that it will help with the pain in my feet and hips so I can start walking again. Maybe tomorrow will be a good day for me! Hope I made sense because the brain isn'tworking very well right now. Lol
  • Posted

    This is so interesting I really can empathise. Have these tingly arms and surging bouts of panic anxiousness cud be nausea cud be stomach churning oh the joys. Anyone with these surges that come one on top of the other. Think it's at ovulation time then anxious around period. Am 42 and officially peri. Surge surge surge. Ten good days before ovulation I think
  • Posted

    Hi all, I'm just wondering how you are all doing now? I'm in Peri I believe. It's been awful. What has helped you all?

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