Is this perimenopausal?

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I'm almost 42 and have not been feeling right great for a few months. I'm on the pill so can't say much about periods but waking up in night feeling roasting but my skin is cold except for face. Worst thing is mood swings... I feel irritable all the time. At night when I can't sleep and dog snoring for example drives me crazy. Bloated too which feels awful. And digestive issues. Also feel quite anxious which is odd because I haven't felt like that before and loss of libido. Anybody feel the same or any advice? Feel I'm going mad!

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm sure you will hear this more then once but the answer is YES!! I feel the same way and its a real bummer 🤕
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      If you don't mind me asking, what age are you. Have you done anything thats helped or had useful advice? How have you coped with anxious feeling?
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      I'm 46 and take Vitamans like D, B12 and a probiotic for the tummy issues!!
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      Thanks. Maybe try those vitamins. Can't do any harm.
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    One word: YES, welcome to it, I have everything you described.  Keep coming here the ladies are wonderful here and they are smart and can give you really good advice.
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      Thanks Lennie! Reassuring to know I'm not going mad because feels like that. Have you picked up anything to help that's worked for you. What dies your doc say?

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      LOl, ok there is a lot so bear with me, as far as the dr. I have changed doctors three times, I am going to be going to a female nurse practioneer. OK, both of my doctors the men, have said that the chills are part of the menopause, the second issue which has been swelling and my dr looked at it said he thought it was a lipidema since I am overweight, well really obese technically, as far as this digestion issue, it was an issue a year ago and it went away for a long time, it just came back a few weeks ago, I am going to address it with the N,P, of course, I hurt my shoulder when I was lifting weights last summer since that happened my shoulders are severely hurting along with joint pulling and joint swelling, my former dr. said that its due to the injury along with the menopause and I agree with that, as far as the nausea it just started too, I will address it, I think its part of the peri too. WHile I dont chalk up everything to it, the reality is all of this started a year and a half ago when I was 54 which is exactly when I got my blood work for menopause and it showed I was, literally everything and I mean everything has started since then. I thought it would be over in a few months, I had no idea this could go on for years.  But, I am grateful for the board here, I feel like I know all of you ladies personally, I have no support from anyone even my husband, I think he does not know what to say so he just really doesnt say much. 
    • Posted

      Yep, welcome to the club. I had all of that foralmost 2 years before I actually stopped getting my period. My night sweats were actually the worst when I was pre-menopausal. I had to sleep on a beach towel. I also began to realize that my heart racing was always the sign that a hot flash was on the way. There a so many different things that work for different people. I had to start taking either an Advil PM or Tylenol PM every night and 10 years later, I still have to. I also wnt on a low dose anti-depressant for a awhile and it really helped me. Again, your doctor or gynocologist should be able to guide you. Most important thing to know is that, everything you are going through is absolutely normal.
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    You are not going mad. I have expierenced the same things and mines just started about 4 months ago. I'm 38 and had no clue what the heck was going on. My aunt told me about peri and I found this forum. It is the best. These are some wonderful ladies and to have them share their expierences and suggestions is good information and a little comfort in knowing you are not alone. I have expierenced the mood swings, loss of libido, insomnia, racing heart, the roasting feeling, nervous and jitters, and many many more symptoms. So you are definitely not alone and no one I talked to understood. Keep coming and sharing as we are all here for each other.

    Take Care!! Jamie

    • Posted

      Thanks Jamie. Reassuring to know I'm not alone. Hope you are doing OK.
  • Posted

    HI Notready,well, your story is very similiar to mine .... however before i found this website i went thru a very hard time... o.k  OCT of 2014 starting having terrible allergies when i really never had except here and there a claratin .,also i started getting terrible abdominal bloating ... very abnormal especially if you know your body well ... always ran , lifted weights kept myself in good shape, vegeterian ..ect

    thought i became lactose intolarant.. soi stopped gluten and lactose products cold turkey thing i ever did ,, see when your hormones shift you are very likely to be lactose and gluten intolorant,, although im not ciliac or allergic to lactose because of the hormones im very sensitive,,, im not sure if you know of the 66 peri menopause symtoms. Ive most, i was on b/control pills so i was having a period ,it starting giving me heart palpitations , so she got me off of it , you definitely dont want to be on a b/control pill ,with such hi estrogen .so in march i was confirmed that i was peri and im on a bio-identical patch with a prog-pill. but anxiety was really bad , which i never had before , so i see tried theanine natural herb, but the best for me was acupunture  for anxiety ,, its really amazing i take b-12 ,D, MAG-CALCIUM, good probioticat least 90 billion , i took a critical careprobiotic it only comes for 7 days ( cant mention from whom on this forum)but i got it at the health store , and i take raw maca for hot flashes its also amzing for other issues read up on it ..i buy the raw maca powder ,, anyways , if possible try lactose free and gluten for 10 days and see the difference, you really will fell tons better , i which someone would have told me .. also im so grateful for all these ladies and forum ,, i literely thought i had a rare cancer that they would detect when i had 2wks to live ! it was rough... but, i asked several dr, oh yeah i went to see a neurologist i thought i had MS,, because i had numbness and thinging on my hands and feet . they say that because i was on birth control pills from 30yrs to 47yrs old all that estrogen and all of a sudden getting off it, causes the body to go in a estrogen shock ,, who new i which my obgyn than would had mentioned it ,,,anyways , now you know and with everyones different experience, you will be o.k ,,,, pls go visit your obgyn , get blood work and decide what route you want to take but you need to consider getting  off of birth control pills, and using a lower method of estrogen or just a natural approach. 

    take care sweetie, 

  • Posted

    Go back to your doctor to get a different prescription of birth control pills, the ones you're taking are too mild.
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      Also, if you go off the bc pills, the symptoms of peri-menopause will be 100 times worst than what you're going through now. I speak from experience, some women advising me also to get off using scare tactics, don't fall for it, I ended suffering with most horrible symptoms similar to yours times 50. Just get a new rx from your gynecologist.
    • Posted

      Hi, I'm just seeing this post. Can you tell me what birth control did y I use and are you still on it? Did it clear up the anxiety and depression?

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