Is this PMS, PMDD pr perimenopause?
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I'm a little confused. Sorry to be a bother again but this anxiety is ruining my life. Im only 31 but having a lot of different symptoms. At first I thought it was peri at an early age but now Im reading on different sites that it could be PMS or even PMDD. Im having a lot of anxiety that I feel is getting worse as the days lead up to my period. Im feeling depressed and have lower back pain and pain in my joints. My sleep is seriously disrupted. I slept a lot last night but kept waking up throughput the night and now tonight I fell asleep close to 10 and right now its a little after 1 a.m and cant go back to sleep. I feel as if I dont want to be alone anymore and bug the heck out of my husband and kids. I hate driving in traffic or long distances. If this is peri, I absolutely hate it and cant imagine how women deal with this on a daily basis for years and years at a time. I think at times I'm dying and its scary. Anyone else feel the same way. Please explain.
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stephanie97023 valarie24431
im sorry that you are suffering but I have been the same for a year. Every day is different I'm so up and down I don't know weather I'm coming or going.. I've not felt myself for ages I've tried all sorts. Hang in there is all I can say and hopefully we ll all get through this awful thing together x
notsure47790 valarie24431
I know how u feel. Anxiety is such a hard conditin. hope u feel better soon. Go to a doctor. Try to get few things checked before you make a a decision what will u consider new normal. Best of luck.
kelly55079 valarie24431
Yes.. My sleep is interupted also. Some nights I can sleep and some I guess it's due to aniexty. And when it's that time of month, it's worse! Also the weather and time change could make a difference too.. I would go to your doctor and ask for something.. Try it, it could make a difference!! Try and exercise everyday-- a simple walk does wonders.. Also if you ever wake up in the middle of the night, try drinking warm milk to get back to sleep.
valarie24431 kelly55079
Sochima822 valarie24431
valarie24431 Sochima822
Sochima822 valarie24431
Not sure where your at, but there are many free women's clinics around the country including planned parenthood whom may prescribe the pills.
deirdre01438 valarie24431
Hi Valerie, I'm just wondering if your feel any better? Did you go on birthday control? I'm in this situation myself. Is so bad. I'd appreciate any info. Thanks.
deirdre01438 valarie24431
Hi Valerie, I'm just wondering if your feel any better? Did you go on birthday control? I'm in this situation myself. Is so bad. I'd appreciate any info. Thanks.
maxinecarla valarie24431
It sounds to me that you could be Progesterone intolerant. Have a read of Professor John Studd's findings. Good luck with it x