Is this PMS, PMDD pr perimenopause?

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I'm a little confused. Sorry to be a bother again but this anxiety is ruining my life. Im only 31 but having a lot of different symptoms. At first I thought it was peri at an early age but now Im reading on different sites that it could be PMS or even PMDD. Im having a lot of anxiety that I feel is getting worse as the days lead up to my period. Im feeling depressed and have lower back pain and pain in my joints. My sleep is seriously disrupted. I slept a lot last night but kept waking up throughput the night and now tonight I fell asleep close to 10 and right now its a little after 1 a.m and cant go back to sleep. I feel as if I dont want to be alone anymore and bug the heck out of my husband and kids. I hate driving in traffic or long distances. If this is peri, I absolutely hate it and cant imagine how women deal with this on a daily basis for years and years at a time. I think at times I'm dying and its scary. Anyone else feel the same way. Please explain.

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10 Replies

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    im sorry that you are suffering but I have been the same for a year. Every day is different I'm so up and down I don't know weather I'm coming or going.. I've not felt myself for ages I've tried all sorts. Hang in there is all I can say and hopefully we ll all get through this awful thing together x

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    I started off like that and was convinced it was PMS. A fee years later my gyno told me that it is normal after 30 and a few kids to have changed patterns and symptoms of my period. She now suspects peri and said no need to test and just gave me. Irth control. I cannot say of they workat the moment. Started not too long ago.

    I know how u feel. Anxiety is such a hard conditin. hope u feel better soon. Go to a doctor. Try to get few things checked before you make a a decision what will u consider new normal. Best of luck.

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    Yes..  My sleep is interupted also.  Some nights I can sleep and some I guess it's due to aniexty.   And when it's that time of month, it's worse! Also the weather and time change could make a difference too..   I would go to your doctor and ask for something..  Try it, it could make a difference!!    Try and exercise everyday--  a simple walk does wonders..   Also if you ever wake up in the middle of the night, try drinking warm milk to get back to sleep.

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      Thanks for the reply. I just started walking again but right now where I live the weather is pretty bad. Its been raining hard every day. Im stuck inside at home and at work. Ill try the warm thing if i have insomnia again tonight. Thanks again.

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    Hi Valarie, have you consider maybe talking to your gyne to see about going on some form of birth control? This would help diminish many of these symptoms.
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      Thanks for the reply. Yes I have but Im waiting to get on my husbands insurance which wont be until January of this next coming year.
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      Not sure where your at, but there are many free women's clinics around the country including planned parenthood whom may prescribe the pills.

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    Hi Valerie, I'm just wondering if your feel any better? Did you go on birthday control? I'm in this situation myself. Is so bad. I'd appreciate any info. Thanks.

  • Posted

    Hi Valerie, I'm just wondering if your feel any better? Did you go on birthday control? I'm in this situation myself. Is so bad. I'd appreciate any info. Thanks.

  • Posted

    It sounds to me that you could be Progesterone intolerant.  Have a read of Professor John Studd's findings.  Good luck with it x

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