is this post hydrocele operation experience normal?
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Right so when i was about 15 i noticed my right testicle was getting bigger, i didnt take notice for quite a while, but over the year it bigger and when I was 16 i decided to get seen by a doc, because it wasnt actually that big. they thought it might be cancer, so had an ultrsound and found out that it was actually an hyrdocele, my ultrasound doctor was erm, suprsied at the shape of the hydrocele and told me he'd be using it in medical books lol.
Anyway, so i decided that i wasnt actually that bothered about the hydrocele as it wasnt even that big, so i told the doc to leave it. Come the age of 17 and ive been having experinces with opposite sex that i decided to get it removed, mind that it wasnt even that big still, this was only like 2 weeks ago.
Anyway went through all the prepatory stuff, operation day comes, see my doctors etc and the surgeon asked to see it and he actually said he thought it was small. In the waiting room I was reading the possible side effects and problems and seriously considered leaving the operation, because it seemed like i didnt even need it, in the end i convinced myself to carry on.
So ive had the op and i woke up feeling rather merry after the anestetic, i could walk talk and left after i could pay, never felt any pain but had a massive jock like packaging atround my teticles, pass 24 hours i decided to have a bath (which after research im not sure if it was a mistake. Had the bath took the bandage off, notice it was quite big and sore still. Had been taking all medication etc, so i decided to go to the docs the next day to get it checked out, he was suprsied that it was quite big thought i had an infection so prescribed me some more meds.told to come back two days later if swelling still big.
So two days later i noticed it was still quite big so i decided to go to GP again, my normal isnt there this week so this was a different person, she then told me that i should go to AnE just in case, so spent a few hours in there,where they said it might be something like a herona or something to do with blood inside, but then a urologist said it was just bruisng and swelling but he would put a refernce in with the surgeon to have a look at, and they would get back to me this monday coming.
The thing is the hyrdrocele is like 2 or 3 maybe 4 x bigger than pre operation and that isnt what i signed up for, maybe im not being patient enough, it hasnt even been a week yet, but its huge now and my normal testicle is sitting at the bottom of my sac all wierd like, this is the opposite of what i wanted now it looks more wierd and if a girl wanted to see them this time it would be even worse yanoe? im asking if this level of swelling is normal, and from others with experience when did your swelling go down? is it smaller than pre op now? I bloody wish i never had it done now and lived with my smallish hydrocele, all my plans this month have been cancelled and i think its BS im quite dissapoitned and a little disheartend, i just wanted to feel normal this has just made me feel well, even worse for time being.
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paul97848 backpack
In spite of the pain when I stand, it's non-existent when I am horizontal so I spend most of my time that way. And I haven't taken any pain meds. It's worth getting checked out to make sure, but it could be part of the normal healing process.
backpack paul97848
paul97848 backpack
It's gone down a lot, and I can walk, but standing is a pain. I'm certainly not ready to go to a party now.
My urologist warned me that it might be swollen even more than before the operation for quite awhile but thankfully that's not true, it's a *lot* smaller.
backpack paul97848
paul97848 backpack
pf7 backpack
krishnakan83596 backpack
i m 17 years old and i have hydrocele problem till 3 moonths it doesnt pain and left side testicle is much large in compare to other sided testicle . Even i dosn't decided to take surgery because i think surgery is very tuff and it pain me .so please provide me the way .. what suould i have to do for controling this prob.
backpack krishnakan83596