Is this really Acid Reflux i'm experiencing?
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Hi, for the past 4 months I have been suffering daily severe symptoms with breathlessness, burning and pressure sensation in my back and chest, pressure in my throat which makes me want to cough, burping and most recently tiredness. These don't necessarily occur after food, i have the breathless and pressure feeling all day every day.
I went to a private hospital for tests under my medical insurance as my NHS GP couldn't give me all the tests i wanted for peace of mind as i'm an extreme worrier and after Googling my symptoms i was in tears! So 2 weeks ago i had blood tests, allergy tests, a CT scan on my heart and lungs, a lung function test and an Echocardiogram. I had the results last week which thankfully shows my heart is absolutely fine but i have mildly inflamed airways in my lungs and the doctor advised the most likely cause is Acid Reflux and this is causing the breathless feeling. The doctor has advised i take Lanzoprasole 30mg daily and a steroid asthma inhaler to reduce the inflammation for 3 months.
To be honest, i'm concerned that this isn't caused by acid only because most of the threads i have read on here are from people who only experience symptoms from food. As soon as i get out of bed and start walking around i start to get the pressure feeling in my chest and i've just had enough of it. Does anyone else have symptoms like me? I'm constantly thinking about what i could have wrong or if it is acid, what damage it is doing to me! I know it's only been a couple of days on the medication so shouldn't expect it to work straight away but can anyone tell me of any other self help medications that i could take to make it go away quicker? I'm really at my wits end and it's all i think about.
Thank you
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jackie_52126 Tinkerbell32
papote53 jackie_52126
jackie_52126 papote53
papote53 jackie_52126
Dodger1933 Tinkerbell32
no fried food ,plenty of fresh veg, no coffee ,chocolate. No wine or beers Try herb tea . Do not eat after 7.30 pm drink if needed at bedtime chamomile tea. no biscuits All foods to eat is steamed fish, grilled meat , poached or boiled eggs .
remember if you worry about yourself it will help acid stomach too secreat more acid . Calls the best for all of us.
sylvia00888 Tinkerbell32
Flatulence is experienced after lying down for half an hour but raising the head of the bed helps significantly..
louie02249 Tinkerbell32
papote53 Tinkerbell32
I have exactly the same symptoms and it started over a year ago. In my case they found mild reflux on my esophagus an throat which they believe is the reason for my chest and breathing and they have done nothing for me so I stop taking them. Now I'm ust testing every single home remedy for this including eating healthy which I have ben for that last year. Still the same problem. I had 4 endoscopies and every single test they can do and it only shows mild reflux and gastritis. Just like you is all day long, starts easy and gets worse during the day. When I lay back it goes away 80%. I don't have heartburn or caught. Now, when I eat and take the first bite specially for lunch and dinner my breathing gets harder. But is al day long like you said. Reflux, Asthma, sinuses and anxiety symptoms is all connected. All of this gives you back pain and rib pain all around. Sorry I do not have an answer for you, just letting you know you are not alone. ;-)
tbier papote53
I'm having air reflux (belching) which causes sore throat. Same thing over here: when I lay down it's almost completely gone. Life style changes are very necessary. And what I do is lay down after eating. And I'm now trying activated charcoal and other things against bloating/gass. Just started,so I dont know if it helps.
I had a manometry to see how it's possible I get so much air in my stomach. Possibilities they say: aerofagie or supragastric something. I know in a couple of weeks.
Have been on PPI, but no results with that. So I quit. And I must say...the sore throat has reduced by 50% since, but isn't completely gone. PPI has many bad side effects, so if they don't help, try not to take them.
teswanson tbier
I had very similar symptoms, and I am now eating as if I have SIBO, and things seem to slowly be getting better...., very slowly. Look at a FODMAP diet, cut out acids to heal your throat, and remove sugars which feed bacteria.
tbier teswanson
papote53 Tinkerbell32
teswanson Tinkerbell32
#1) Manage the stress. This is much easier said than done, but it was a big contributor to my symptoms. I do this by meditating twice a day for 10 minutes each. Once in the morning, and once in the afternoon. Go for a 30 minute walk. Prayer has helped me drastically as well.
#2) Low acid diet. Make sure your foods have a ph higher than 5, preferrably 6. There are some really healthy acidic foods like lemons and blueberries. Work these into smoothies with almond milk and spinach and kale to get the ph up. You don't want any additional acid touching your throat. Also, these foods will help nuetralize the acid in your stomach. Absolutely no carbonated beverages or sodas. These are as acidic as the acid in your stomach. No cranberry juice, etc. You need to drop the acidic foods.
#3) Eat small meals.
#4) Take Gaviscon after you eat
I hope this helps. Like I said, stress was the big one for me. The digestive system is linked so closely to the brain. When the body gets into the fight or flight mode, the digestive system seems to be impacted the most. The LES is weakened, acid production goes up, etc. After long term stress, acid production could go down, causing too little acid, forcing the stomach to squeeze and grind to digest food, thus forcing the little acid you have into the throat. Have you been tested for the amount of acid in your stomach? If so, did they determine if it was too much or too little?
louie02249 teswanson
teswanson louie02249
louie02249 teswanson
papote53 teswanson
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