Is this really Acid Reflux i'm experiencing?
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Hi, for the past 4 months I have been suffering daily severe symptoms with breathlessness, burning and pressure sensation in my back and chest, pressure in my throat which makes me want to cough, burping and most recently tiredness. These don't necessarily occur after food, i have the breathless and pressure feeling all day every day.
I went to a private hospital for tests under my medical insurance as my NHS GP couldn't give me all the tests i wanted for peace of mind as i'm an extreme worrier and after Googling my symptoms i was in tears! So 2 weeks ago i had blood tests, allergy tests, a CT scan on my heart and lungs, a lung function test and an Echocardiogram. I had the results last week which thankfully shows my heart is absolutely fine but i have mildly inflamed airways in my lungs and the doctor advised the most likely cause is Acid Reflux and this is causing the breathless feeling. The doctor has advised i take Lanzoprasole 30mg daily and a steroid asthma inhaler to reduce the inflammation for 3 months.
To be honest, i'm concerned that this isn't caused by acid only because most of the threads i have read on here are from people who only experience symptoms from food. As soon as i get out of bed and start walking around i start to get the pressure feeling in my chest and i've just had enough of it. Does anyone else have symptoms like me? I'm constantly thinking about what i could have wrong or if it is acid, what damage it is doing to me! I know it's only been a couple of days on the medication so shouldn't expect it to work straight away but can anyone tell me of any other self help medications that i could take to make it go away quicker? I'm really at my wits end and it's all i think about.
Thank you
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Mine started nearly 6mths ago, I was getting a tingling/tickling feeling all over my back, which was more annoying, not painful, also constipation and a tightness around my midriff . I was sent for an x-ray for the tingling, which shown up I had spondylosis, and given lactulose for the constipation, which didn't help.As the tingling turned into burning/inflammation and the tightness got worse, I got to thinking that this can't just be spondylosis, so I went back again to the Dr's, had to see a different one. He just would not listen to what I was saying, he was just wanting to treat the constipation, but nothing has changed in my lifestyle to cause this so I have insisted on an ultrasound scan which I am having on the 14th.
I have read so many things on the internet about my symptoms including hiatus hernia and gallstones, but reading through these posts has got me thinking again
. I really hope this scan shows something up, even though I am worried about what it is.
alexandra96047 shazz57
shazz57 alexandra96047
To be honest my reflux has subsided considerably. I think its a mix of the medication, although my doctor has told me to only take it for a week at a time after an attack, my steroid inhaler which has opened up my airways more and dietary changes. I never used to have 3 meals a day, now i ensure i have breakfast, lunch and dinner to stop the acid building up in my stomach. I have cut caffeine, chocolate, tomatoes, garlic and known trigger spices from my diet and also now only drink almond milk and take aloe vera regularly in a shot once a day. This is a stomach soother. My doctor also told me that i didn't drink enough water daily as this apparently helps flush through the acid from our systems so i am trying to drink more too although old habits die hard!!
I hope some of this helps you too. I know how difficult these feelings of illness are and nobody knows what its like until they experience it.
emma21489 collygirl
emma21489 collygirl
patrick83271 collygirl
caron28119 Tinkerbell32
gallee caron28119
Kizini caron28119
Have you has any luck with resolving your problem. I have the same prob my chest gets sooooo tight and a huge lump seem like it is gradually travelling upto my throat burping also releases some pressure only for a mere second then i will constantly burp allllll day it becomes painfully by the end of the day. I can't breathe easily. I wonder if u found a solution so i can try too