Is this really Acid Reflux i'm experiencing?
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Hi, for the past 4 months I have been suffering daily severe symptoms with breathlessness, burning and pressure sensation in my back and chest, pressure in my throat which makes me want to cough, burping and most recently tiredness. These don't necessarily occur after food, i have the breathless and pressure feeling all day every day.
I went to a private hospital for tests under my medical insurance as my NHS GP couldn't give me all the tests i wanted for peace of mind as i'm an extreme worrier and after Googling my symptoms i was in tears! So 2 weeks ago i had blood tests, allergy tests, a CT scan on my heart and lungs, a lung function test and an Echocardiogram. I had the results last week which thankfully shows my heart is absolutely fine but i have mildly inflamed airways in my lungs and the doctor advised the most likely cause is Acid Reflux and this is causing the breathless feeling. The doctor has advised i take Lanzoprasole 30mg daily and a steroid asthma inhaler to reduce the inflammation for 3 months.
To be honest, i'm concerned that this isn't caused by acid only because most of the threads i have read on here are from people who only experience symptoms from food. As soon as i get out of bed and start walking around i start to get the pressure feeling in my chest and i've just had enough of it. Does anyone else have symptoms like me? I'm constantly thinking about what i could have wrong or if it is acid, what damage it is doing to me! I know it's only been a couple of days on the medication so shouldn't expect it to work straight away but can anyone tell me of any other self help medications that i could take to make it go away quicker? I'm really at my wits end and it's all i think about.
Thank you
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Donatuse Tinkerbell32
maryakg Tinkerbell32
lee_flavz Tinkerbell32
It all started 20 years ago, I thought I'd heartburn, i went to the chemist and purchased Zantac,was taking them for weeks to relive the pain from the burning sensation I was getting.The guy in the chemist said to me I shouldn't be taking these tablets every day !!
I made an appointment at the doctors and they booked me an appointment at the hospital to run a few tests,I had a recording box fitted to me,a small wire up my nose and going down into my gullet,I had to eat and drink with this in place for 24 hrs, I then went back to the hostpital
And had the recording box and wire removed.a few days later I got my results back they said it was the highest acid reading they had ever had !!!
They assumed the wire had gone to far down and it was in the stomach .
I had to repeat the test again to find out it was still the same.
The consultant told me I had a hiatus hernia.
They told me I needed surgery it was a massive operation !
I had the operation at the Bri in Bradford England uk 20 years ago.
I would say the operation worked at first but over time gradually the acid came back.I had more tests and they said the valve was leaking acid again and I needed the operation again.
The operation consisted of going through the ribcage and deflating the lung to get to the gullet, I said no this time.It took me a long time to recover
From the first op left with a scar the size of a shark bite !
This operation can be done now keyhole surgery.but not on me because of the scar tissue from the first op.
For many years I have suffered with this problem,I to get the pains in the shoulders and neck area burning sensation,
for the last 15 years I have also like other people on here been getting dizzy spells,sometimes I
Think I'm going to faint they last for around 20 mins and can last upto an hour for me.
Here's a few tips I found help me
I hope they help you guys to !!!
Alcohol, chocolate
Spicy foods curries chillies
Caffeine drinks trigger it of to.
So avoiding these drinks and foods does help.
Other tips for you guys is prop up your beds with bricks or blocks,6-8"
Or if your posh reclining bed.
Staying propped up helps keep the acid down below !
I also take losec tablets 30 mg.
Eating late is not a good thing.
I searched the earth and the web to look for a cure for many days and nights,
The best thing I found is organic apple cider vinegar and bicarbonate soda !
Trial and error,I put two small bottle caps of apple cider vinegar into a glass and put a tip of a teaspoon of the bicarb into the glass, a tiny bit , it will fizz then had a splash of water takes the fizz away.drink it of in one,
It's no champaign lol
Take this last thing at night 10 mins before bed time it will neutralise the acid in your stomach.
It's worked for me and many other
People I have spoken to.
I hope it works for you,and the tips I have given you help,any questions please ask
My prayers are with you all
Regards lee f.
ChipWhitley lee_flavz
Donatuse Tinkerbell32
kat12931 Tinkerbell32
ChipWhitley Tinkerbell32
dolphin005 Tinkerbell32
carmel83758 dolphin005
carmel83758 dolphin005
dolphin005 carmel83758
debra27175 Tinkerbell32
misstrump Tinkerbell32
I am so glad to know that I am not alone , I have the same symtoms, I was diagnosed a few months back with Barrett's esophagus and hiatus hernia which neither of these should cause these symptoms I have, I too have cried looking up on google and seeing esophageal cancer I'm freaked out and can't get to the bottom of this I'm having a scan next Thursday to look for gallstones but the symptoms don't even match this problem. All I keep thinking about is cancer and that I'm going to die and leave my husband and two boys. I'm at the end of my tether as I also have had this pain for over 5 months and it's really taking its toll on me know. TinkerbellI your not alone
Tinkerbell32 misstrump
Thank you for your post. It will be 12 months since all this started and i actually can't remember what it felt like not to have these symptoms now. Scary really. The more i see these discussions, the more i realise just how common acid reflux is. I actually do have 1 gallstone but as you say, the symptoms of gall bladder problems dont emulate what we're both experiencing. My doctor has told me countless times not to listen to ''Dr Google'' but like you, sometimes I just search to try and find solutions and end up reading terrifying information. I've had 2 endoscopies in the last 18 mths but they couldn't see any inflammation or damage.
Have you tried cutting out certain foods?
jools182 Tinkerbell32
I'm getting horrible breathless feelings which can last for hours, it's making me panic
It's usually accompanied by dizziness, feeling sick, burping, hot and cold flushes and then afterwards I get really urgent urges to go to the loo and sometimes the feeling I really need to pee too
I'm lying in bed at the moment trying to calm myself down from this breathless feeling
It's strange because I can cycle or go to the gym and feel ok
JennyWren8 jools182
I did test positive for C-dificile several years ago and got treated, so it's possible it's come back or I do have an overgrowth of bad bacteria. My sypmtoms are very similar to yours, though I have pre-existing ME/CFS and my current symptoms were set off by a bad reaction to anitbiotics and my GP said I have GERD. I was on Lanzaprazole for several months until I wanted to try a more natural route which involved a strict avoidence diet (which led me to the kineseologist as I wanted to get some feedback and more clear guide on what I can eat and what I should avoid.)
I slowly weaned myself off the Lanzaparole and mostly stick to the diet, but notice as soon as I stray my symptoms can be pretty unbearable. If I stick to the diet in the short term it will enable my stomach to heal and I shoud be able to eat relatively normally in the long term and that's what I tell myself to keep me on it.
I also take virgin coconut oil to heal my stomach and it supposedly gets rid of the fungus, bacteria and parasite type of thing, etc. I do find the diet very hard to stick to as I have major bread cravings. I love bread and find it near impossible to avoid, but it has made a huge difference when I do avoid it. I've had pizza and bread last three days and I juat feel awful like a bad hangover, nausia, dizziness, weakness, burping, hot and cold, frequent peeing and urge to go to the loo and feeling a little better when I've been. I think the intolerances are caused by an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut and I think this all has a knock on effect causing GERD etc if left untreated.
Lots of interesting research going on about the gut microbiome at the moment, but the NHS testing is still pretty basic and treatment limited, they don't go into diet at all and it has really helped when I manage to stick to it. So I think most people give up and go private. I also had to give up cows milk (weirdly goat cheese tested ok), all sugar, etc I'm not sure if I'm fully convinced by the kineseology, if it completely solves my issues in 6 months I'll let you know. What I do know is avoiding trigger foods, definitley helps.
If you can get your GP to test you for c-dif and bad bacteria overgrowth, or find a private place (v. expensive tho) or a private lab to test out your gut health if you have no luck with your GP. My diet is pretty similar to the Leaky gut diet which can be found online.
I think in the coming years more research will be done in to the gut microbiome which I think are responsible for so many suffering from stomach problems, IBS, GERD and chronic inflamitory conditions will find it's an imbalance in the gut flora. A recent study into allergies found those with severe allergies are missing a particular good bacteria in the gut.
Hope this helps. I know the symtoms feel really scary, especially when GP's all to often put it down to 'nerves' when it's more likely due to imbalances in the gut (most likely due to the overuse of antibiotics in medicine and in meat, and less exposure to nature.) I can't afford the private gut tests at the moment so I opted for a kineseologist, but you could just try the leaky gut diet and see if it helps if you dont have the money for private. It took about 1-2 weeks to notice a difference with the diet, though it becomes very clear when I don't stick to it these days. Been on the diet (70%) and off the lanzaparole for about a month and a half now. I eat a lot of salads and soups and only splurged on the pizza and bread as I was feeling a bit better!
carmel83758 JennyWren8