Is this really Acid Reflux i'm experiencing?

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Hi, for the past 4 months I have been suffering daily severe symptoms with breathlessness, burning and pressure sensation in my back and chest, pressure in my throat which makes me want to cough, burping and most recently tiredness. These don't necessarily occur after food, i have the breathless and pressure feeling all day every day.

I went to a private hospital for tests under my medical insurance as my NHS GP couldn't give me all the tests i wanted for peace of mind as i'm an extreme worrier and after Googling my symptoms i was in tears! So 2 weeks ago i had blood tests, allergy tests, a CT scan on my heart and lungs, a lung function test and an Echocardiogram. I had the results last week which thankfully shows my heart is absolutely fine but i have mildly inflamed airways in my lungs and the doctor advised the most likely cause is Acid Reflux and this is causing the breathless feeling. The doctor has advised i take Lanzoprasole 30mg daily and a steroid asthma inhaler to reduce the inflammation for 3 months.

To be honest, i'm concerned that this isn't caused by acid only because most of the threads i have read on here are from people who only experience symptoms from food. As soon as i get out of bed and start walking around i start to get the pressure feeling in my chest and i've just had enough of it. Does anyone else have symptoms like me? I'm constantly thinking about what i could have wrong or if it is acid, what damage it is doing to me! I know it's only been a couple of days on the medication so shouldn't expect it to work straight away but can anyone tell me of any other self help medications that i could take to make it go away quicker? I'm really at my wits end and it's all i think about.

Thank you

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    I started experiencing some of these symptoms as well.  I had some serious attacks early in the morning.  Felt like I had an asthma attack but it wasn't.  Chest was tight and felt like i couldn't breathe.  Few days later I have acid reflux but without any heart burn.  Past few days I've been waking up with a feeling of something stuck in my throat and it would feel this way throughout the whole day. I've been constipated, really gassy, and burping a lot too.  I went to the er yesterday because I started feeling dizzy, and vomitting at work. did ct scan, blood work and everything was fine.  Doc said I probably have gerd.  I'm on protonix and carafate now.  i've been doing some research and read something about low stomach acid possibly causing these symptoms.  So far I feel that apple cider vinegar with water and honey helped me a lot.  I stopped taking my protonix and I'm hoping the vinegar helps for now.  Will try pepsin with betaine hcl and some probiotics soon and see if that helps.  
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      The prbiotics are very imporant. Every day. You get more from live yoghurt than from expensive capsulesl and you can make your own easily.
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    For 3 months I had problems breathing, cold sweats, extreme fatigue, a cough that left me gasping for air and flu like symptoms for a couple of years before that. I was going through a process of elimination with meds. Acid reflux, asthma, anxiety, depression and seasonal colds. My white blood count was continually high. I became enimic. I was told we could be facing a heart condition or cancer. That was a Thursday. That Sunday I started coughing up a large amount of blood. A cat scan revealed a lung cavity in my lower right lung. Caused by exposure to toxic mold. Please, if you are having unexplained illness take the time to research exposure to mold. My family doctor couldn't medically find anything wrong with me other than enimia and my white blood count was high. I started feeling hopeless and like I was losing my mind. There are test specifically for mold. Most physicians don't have proper training in mold exposure and will blow off any related questions. Find an environmental physician. A lot of you are describing symptoms of mold exposure. Had I not gone back to the E.R I could have died. I had my lower right lung lobe removed to save my life. Some doctors will tell you mold exposure is no big deal. That is a HUGE lie! If not treated it can be fatal!
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      Presumably you are in the USA as in the UK it couldnot be dealt with the way you say.
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    Hi Tinkerbell32,

    Have your symptoms improved with the medication?  I've just been diagnosed with the same having had breathlessness, blocked sinuses, a very hoarse voice, a persistent dry cough which lasted 10 weeks, and a lot of trial and error from my GP for other potential ailments (I have asthma. My symptoms were never that deep in my chest to be asthma-related, and breathlessness was never a wheeze, more a pressure & tightness feeling, and taking preventer and reliever inhalers on a regular basis doesn't help matters).  I had the pleasure of visiting A&E three times due to breathlessness, each time being released with my vital stats being OK including bloods for anaemia, thyroid etc all checking out OK.  I've had a X-ray done which again proved nothig untoward going on with my heart and lungs. 

    After requesting it, I finally had a laryngoscopy which confirmed damage to my vocal chords (contact granuloma's) as well as other evidence of acid reflux.  I don't get much in the way of heartburn, so symptoms are "silent".  I'm on 2 x 20mg of omeprazole per day, plus Gaviscon Advance after every meal and before bed for 2 months before a follow up endoscopy. This was advised by my ENT who informed me that omeprazole only targets acid, whereas Gaviscon takes care of other enzymes and bile. 

    I've gone cold turkey on all the usual suspects that an exacerbate reflux - spicy foods, caffeine, citrus fruits, cheese, etc. 

    I'm just wondering of anyone with acid reflux/GERD who has overcome the more alarming symptoms such as breathlessness and how they achieved this. 

    • Posted

      For what it is worth I get a lot of the breathlessness, wheezing and sometimes coughing, usually when I wake up in the morning or after eating. I tried bicarbonate of soda and for a while it helped. Then I would find it did not help and brought on the wheezing. Tried garlic and the more garlic I had the more I wheezed and had trouble breathing. At the moment I am using a saltair thing, which is full of natural special salt full of minerals.

      I use it to breath in regularly and for the first time last night I slept through the whole night and when I woke only a slight cough although wheezing comes and goes during the day as it did before so am persevering with it. YOu can get one on a m azon. and they dont cost much and the salt in them lasts for five years so quite cost effective (am sick andtired of payng out for things that do not work).

      I tend to try to go for things that help health overall so if they do not help with the reflux then they help with immun e system or cell count or whateverr as well or instead.

      Am also taking biotics and take one course after another,where it is very important to check out the strains but do not be fooled when it says contains 2 billion,this is a small number, but i also make my own yoghurt sometimes just get sick and tired of eating it. If you buy yoghurt in the shop it must be live and no sugar or fruit. In my case none of those things like tomatoes etc exacerbate it, only laying down or eating, no matter what it is. But it is important to remember that we all have it for a different reason. In my case I believe it is because of takng antibiotics etc and now having to redress the flora gut balance, with others it is the muscle that needs tightening etc.

  • Posted

    Hi Everyone sorry to join in the convo so late...but this conversation seems to relate to me the best!! So for the past month i have been suffering tight and burning chest pains which can vary from the left to centre to the right....i went to the docs and she said i pulled a muscle, i thought ok fair enough, my pains were getting really severe which moved to my arm so i thought a trip to a & e was worth a shot as i really thought i was having a heart attack, ecg was absolutely fine, and all bloods were fine also, blood pressure just slightly high but this was cos i was panicing, so hospital said it was a pulled muscle......but my symptoms seem to get more severe each day and as the day goes on i get worse, doctor then thought it was acid reflux, i was prescribed omerzaprole which did not work, but as well as the chest twinges they have now moved to my upper back and the pain is excruciating and i feel like i cannot breath when it is in my back, so after another trip to the docs this time she thinks im slightly depressed and have really bad anxiety which is causing all these pains and feelings of breathlessness, i have had a lot gone on past couple of years in my life but im just not too sure i am convinced it really is something bad but no one seems to listen to me!!! like a few of you have mentioned i dont drink as much as i should some days i drink maybe half a glass of water.....i just wondered if anyone has any updates on how they are now doing, im going out of my mind!!!!

    Im 29 year old female, slightly overweight but have lost 3 stone and im still going!!

    Thanks for your help in advance!!!!!

    • Posted

      Hi danielle198570,

      For what it's worth I also have chest "twinges", which are biased to my right hand side from the front, under my armpit, and round to my right shoulder blade (which can get particularly uncomfortable), and the worse the pain is, the tighter my chest generally feels and breathing is difficult.  Its not just afte I've eaten either, I've found no trend or pattern to when these breathless "attacks" occur. I've been formally diagnosed with acid reflux through investigations.  Omeprazole and other acid suppressing PPI's are not silver bullets, and need a corresponding diet/lifestyle change to reduce acidic food intake which will exacerbate any existing condition related to acid reflux.  Omeprazole doesn't target bile either, so different med's would be needed if this was the issue. 

      Do you have any other symptoms?  In the end I created a timeline and list of symptoms and forcefully put it to my GP that I needed a referral (which I could get quickly followed up with Bupa through my employer).  My experience is that GP's (I seen five different one's at my surgery) are completely apathetic him it comes to SCS reflux diagnosis, as they thought it was psychological until I had a laryngoscopy. 

    • Posted

      I also found doctors do not take it very seriously or they go off onto tangents where they suddenly decide it is asthma even though it igores all of what you tell them. Someone else on here recently said it is probably exposure to mould when we get like this. Very few houses have mould in them and I would worry if the house was in such a state - would not be living in such a place to start with. But again it often ignores the facts and common sense. If you have been living in your place for ten years and then start to get this then it obviously cannot be caused by THE PLACE. Mould would not suddenly start to form in a place where it never was before.

      I had to go into a house that was full of damp yesterday, it was very bad, and that made me cough, but that is normal, and it wont happen again as I wont go there again.

      Porksoda omeprazole also did not work for me. In fact it seemed to make me more wheezy if anything.

      Perhaps because it is low acid rather than high acid which is the problem.

      Today am starting to take a new regime of probiotics but am making sure I take the prebiotic with them. In fact if you do this then you can make the probiotics last longer. You can use a much small dose of them but they still help because the prebiotic feeds them. I get onion bhajis and freeze them.

      Then whenever I eat a probiotic I have a quater of onion bhaji with it as the prebiotic to feed it, otherwise you could simply take an onion and chop it up and put it in a sauce with some water and use a bit each time. You can use honey but trying to avoid sweet things. YOu can also use oats.

      Google prebiotics if this interests you.

  • Posted

    Hi, I've never written in response to ANY topic, but your situation sounded so much like what I've been going through, that I thought I'd comment. I have been experiencing identical symptoms and I put up with it for about 3 weeks. I have suffered from reflux for a great deal of my life (ended with retirement!), and have used acid inhibitors as needed. These new symptoms, like those you're feeling, are nothing like the gastritis I've ever had. My reflux usually feels like a gnawing pain in my stomach. I don't get heartburn. My current symptoms feel like a heat or burn in my chest and throat, accompanied by breathless feeling, especially when talking to people. The day before Christmas, I got a little scared and drove myself to the ER (just to rule out heart issues). I checked out fine, but they put me on prednisone and said if that cleared it up in 48 hours, it's probably allergies. If not, I should go back on an acid inhibitor. Tomorrow, I'm going to the doctor as a follow up to talk to him about taking an SSRI for anxiety. I've been an anxious person all my life, but never had physical syptoms like this. I'd rather avoid medication for anxiety, but I've tried everything from meditation, behavioral thereapy, to diet change, etc. to slow myself down. I'll let you know if anything comes out of my "chat" tomorrow. He may just encourage me to take the acid reducer. Good luck. NIce to share with someone who knows exactly how I feel.
  • Posted

    Please get your magnesium levels checked guys!!! My acid reflux nearly ruined my life. I had the chest pressure, shortness of breath, neck tightness, and random increased heart rates. My acid was totally out of control. I feared that I would die almost every day. I could hardly use the restroom without my wife being there to help me along the way. Here's how I came to discover my solution; I was severely constipated, so I purchased some "milk of magnesia" to help relieve myself. After taking the milk of magnesia I felt better than I had in six months!!! The acid stayed down for the first time and I could finally breath (most important part for me). I was a bit puzzled on why I was receiving such a relief so quickly, so I checked the bottle for the main ingredients of the milk of magnesia. After discovering that it was magnesium I went to the web to see what problems a magnesium deficiency could cause. YOU WOULDN'T believe the forums I found matching the same stories I'm reading here today. No too many of us make the connection because they are seemingly unrelated. I continued to get better everyday, but curious, I decided to stop taking the milk of magnesia to where I was. HUGE mistake, I was back in the ER (20+ visits in 6 months) because my acid was going crazy and causing my heart rate and blood pressure to exceed normal limits (160bpm and 173/143bp). I asked the ER doc for some maalox to help calm the acid and my blood pressure decreased to 132/80 in less than 5 minutes. It was the magnesium!!!! Anyhow, today I'm taking regular epsom salt baths (magnesium sulfate) and supplementing with magnesium glycinate (highly absorbable form). Oh yeah, the ER confirmed my suspicion by checking my magnesium levels and I was extremely low. 
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      how interesting. im willing to give such a simple thing a try. i havent heard of that one yet but wouldnt ppis keep your acid down? 
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      PPIs didn't do enough for me. I was on ranitidine and omeprazole both in their highest prescription and I still had major reflux. The milk of magnesia would immediately stop the acid, with no delay. The only problem with this method is that it's not a highly absorbable form of magnesium and it causes diarrhea when taken in large amounts. That's why I recommend magnesium glycinate. Additionally, just about all antacids cause magnesium deficiencies and corticosteroids too. That's the reason you'll never be able to get off of the meds if they are literally causing the harm they were designed to treat. That cycle is nuts. Please do your self a favor and just google "ppi magnesium deficiency". It changed my life overnight and I started breathing better almost immediately. Get your serum magnesium levels checked.
    • Posted

      People tend to forget that those livingin the UK cannot just ask to hve this or that checked. The doctor has to decide and arrange payment for it and most do not think these things matter enough.

      Very few people hve acid reflux because of a magnesium deficiency anyway. Magnesium would LOOSEN the splincter muscle

      and this is not always a good thing when most are looking to tighten it.

      I now take bicarbonate of soda to help, with citric acid and potassium bicarbonate so there are no worries re salt.

      There are lots of other natural alternatives you would find easily enough online if you google them, most of them available from online shops to be sent to you quickly at a fair price.

      If you want more magnesium it should be actual magnhesium not milk of magnesia.

      As for diarrhea, most of us watch what we eat and make sure we get alot of fibre, which makes diarrhea virtually impossible.

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      Hi Carmel, I'm new to the site. What are the natural remedies you're talking about? Like everyone else I'll try anything that'll help.
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      Hi Julie and happy new year. The simplest one is bicarbonate of soda. BUT those who have to take it three times a day are sometimes concerned about the sodium content. I find if I take it three times a day I end up coughing and wheezing so take it once every other day with citric acid and potassium bicarbonate for the same help without the sodium (sodium can raise blood pressure and maybe cause giddiness, stroke etc).

      You should never just copy someone else's way as being yours as we are all different and you need to research onlne a lot to get a ful list of possibilities.

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      Thanks for the reply Carmel, does the bi-carb help LPR? My main problem is a sore throat and sensation of a lump. If I could relieve theses I would be very happy to say the least!
    • Posted

      I was simply offering a solution to a troubling problem. I didn't mean to stir any emotions. 

      I did mention magnesium glycinate for supplementation rather than milk of magnesia. Furthermore, you mention that not a lot of people have had acid reflux from a magesnium deficiency; however, with the large sample pool that is I'd imagine that someone here could benefit from a possible solution that hasn't been remedied by the advice given already. 

      I wasn't aware of the different medical practices in the UK (from the US), so I'll just dismiss myself from this forum/site. Thank you for letting me know. 

    • Posted

      Why dismiss yourself from a forum? Talk about over reacting!

      It is free speech but unfortunately most of what you read on such forums is badly written or misinformed because most who read it assume everyone is the same as them or do not research things properly. Since I came here I have had dozens of people wanting me to give my phone number to them or my private email address hoping I would sit here all day long researching for them and then giving them the results they want. Well to those I say dream on. One lady wanted me to research arthritis for her when I don't have it and do not know anyone who has it. So as she is the one who has it and she has far more spare time than me she can be the one who researches it. She doesn't work, she sits and watches tv all day. So it would be a far better use of her time.

      I have to find time to research my own things.

      There must be someone somewhere who would be pleased to hear what you have to say. You will find those who take these things seriously will have already tried lots of possible aids and have moved on to another and anohter and heard most of it before.

      Melatonin has not been mentioned for a while. Some will swear by that. But it is for those who have problems with anxiety.

      And you can get addicted to it and you have to keep increasing the dose later.

      A naturopath will tell you to eath loads of fruit and vegetables.

      Yet the likehood is he has never had the illness himself.

      Most people are lazy and impatient and want and instant quick fix so they do not bother to research it as much as they should or they simply want to read up on what other people have found out. Then they wonder why they are still ill!

      Remember there are different causes to acid reflux and it whether something works will have a lot to do with the cause.

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      Hi Joshua, don't leave the forum. Everyone has a right to their opinion but must realise that other people might not always agree with them.
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      Hi Carmel, it's so good to have someone like you on the forum because you seem to have gained a lot of valuable information. It is difficult because people from different countries have such different Healthcare systems don't they?
    • Posted

      Very interesting. Were you on a ppi when you started your magnesium treatment? One of the worst side effects of ppi's is low magnesium, causing problems with calcium and vitamin d

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