Is this really only health anxiety/stress?!
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I am just seeing if anyone has had a similar experience to me in regards to their health. I'm a 29 year old male, who generally keeps rather fit.
It all started around 4 years ago when I suddenly developed crippling anxiety around my health. I had all the usual anxiety/panic symptoms and ended up in A&E a couple of times.
Since then I have developed a tremor and the right side of my body is much stiffer than my left. I can actually see/feel that the muscles on the right are bigger, and more pronounced. this stiffness is everywhere on the right side of my body; from my face to my hands and feet. I'm tired all the time, I get pins and needles in my extremities extremely easily, my sleep is poor, my affected side gets very cold.
Every symptom i have seems to fit with a Parkinson's diagnosis, but the doctors and neurologist keep putting it down to stress and anxiety. These symptoms don't come and go, they are pretty permanent.
I also get strong twitches all over my body, especially in the arches of my feet. and my feet spasm and cramp very often.
I'm have truly convinced myself that I have parkinsons, and would be really shocked if i didnt. I really appreciate your time reading this and any help, advice you may have.
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robert15024 sam34145
Sorry to hear you are suffering. I have had a similar thing happen to me, I started with gut issues 3 years ago, I have had every test just about possible, all came back clear. five weeks ago after a very stressful time at work I had body aches after a gym session, it's been up and down ever since, I have had a full panel of bloods including vitamin tests and thyroid, all came back clear, I was sure there must have been something causing all these joint and muscle aches. it seems to flare up after I eat but I'm not if it's my stress/anxiety that has just linked it with when I eat and I'm waiting for it to happen subconsciously.
Bookinweasel sam34145
Yeah, I've suffered similar type physical symptoms like this on and off for years. Pins and needles, deep muscle aches, insomnia etc. I've gone to 4 internists and 3 different neurologists over the years. They have told me that my anxiety triggers the panic. The panic triggers the insomnia and the insomnia exacerbates the physical symptoms. So, every few years I have episodes where I am convinced that I have ALS, MS, Lyme disease, etc- every known bad thing that there is. I'm right in the middle of another one of these episodes and I realize that I need to get my anxiety under control for the physical symptoms to subside. It's tough to get out of my own way. I realize how powerful my mind is and I'm starting back with CBT counseling in a few weeks. Hang in there. You aren't the only one that has self-diagnosed themself- I am the king of Googing self-diagnosis. I've been wrong every time...