Is this skin cancer?
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I'm really worried that this is a BCC. I've had it checked twice by two seperate doctors who have both said it looks like a minor skin lesion or papule. It started off as a small pimple like lump in September and has gotten bigger. It's around 2-3mm on my right cheek closer to my jawline. It doesn't itch or bleed but sometimes gets dry skin on it. if anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it, I'm really trying to not freak out.
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michelle70460 olt1994
How ironic!! I'm having a procedure done tomorrow to remove a 'lump' like mole that came up on the side of my nose about 5yrs ago. Same as you, it doesn't itch or bleed but does get dry now & again. Go & get it looked at but don't freak out!! Whilst all skin cancers are not pleasant the main one to freak out about is melanoma. You'll be ok. Good luck.
olt1994 michelle70460
Hi Michelle,
thanks for your reply! I have had it checked twice by two seperate GP's. One used a dermscope and said it looked fine. Do you still think i should be concerned even though she said it should be ok? She checked it with the dermscope around 3 months ago.
How did you go with your procedure?? hope all went well!
michelle70460 olt1994
Hi olt. If it's been checked several times & you have been given the all clear then it is nothing to worry about.Remember, these people are experts & they know what they are looking at. My procedure went well. Just abit of swelling & tenderness as expected. That mole wasn't cancerous but it only came up about 5 yrs ago & it was on the right side of my nose & over time it began to affect my self esteem so it was time to give it an eviction notice.Lol!! However, when i go back to get the stitches out next week he wants to have a look at a black mark that has come up on my right toe . He has told me that melanoma on thd toes is quite rare but he still wants to be safe. I know it sounds horrible but he's thinking possibly fungal infection as i work in closed in shoes 8hrs a day & the weather here in australia is very hot at the moment. Let's hope so. In your case i think you will be fine.
jen78653 olt1994
Don't freak out! i just had my yearly skin check yesterday at the dermatologist. Go have it looked at. she said it you ever have a pimple that wont go away and or get bigger cone in so i can check it out. I have had issues it the past. its always better to be proactive! Then they can test it if needs be. good luck.