Is this the beginning of the end!
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Hiya, I am 47 years old and have had what I think are early peri symptoms for maybe a couple of years, maybe longer as I wasnt paying too much attention! I am now feeling that things are beginning to change more noticeably now. My list of symptoms are
Chronic Fatigue (although I cant seem to go to bed before 1am!)
Loss of appetite
Loss of libido, to the point of being repelled!
Frozen shoulder for about 4 months, exercises from Physio helped.
Headaches, used to get once in a blue moon now it's every week.
Migraine, with vomiting x1 (never had a migrane before in my life)
Hot Flush x1
General aches and pains
Regular periods (although differing in flow) but then two bleeds in less than a month
Sudden loss of vision - now have to wear reading glasses
Pressure Pain under breastbone right under xiphoid process, really uncomfortable and leads to shortness of breath. Dyspepsia/Indigestion?
Occasional bloating.
So basically I am here to ask are these all normal symptoms of peri/menopause? Is it normal that these things come and go then return? Is there anything on this list I should be worried about?
Many thanks and can I add how glad I am that there are forums like this avaliable, its so nice to be able to go through this journey with others that are also going through it and are willing to talk and support each other through it. XXX
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sandeep08592 Gonzozo
me too I also get dizzy spells now and my acid relux is at all time high:(
ShoSho46 Gonzozo
i have all these and then some. i went through a period of not wanting to be here. its better but i cry a lot and have days of rage. my teeth hurt and im certain its from acid reflux and daily stomach issues. i have a pain under my left breast in the rib area and shortness of breath. ive suffered with health anxiety since this all started in 2018. i wonder everyday if this is my life now and how its just miserable.
Oh ShoSgo46 I am sorry to hear that. I am lucky at the moment that I don't seem to be suffering too badly mentally...yet! I get very grumpy with the husband and cry at silly things like adverts and Disney films, also slight social anxiety especially meeting new people and driving! I do have a very, very chilled lifestyle though and I think that helps, there is no pressure on me. I do hope you are getting the support that you need and hold on to that thought that its not forever. Here if you ever wanted to chat/vent. x
claire57329 Gonzozo
so weird. I have been getting that breast bone pain, ache and then shortness of breath.
ampat1 Gonzozo
I've had some of the symptoms you mentioned, especially breast pain, pain under breast and shoulder blade pain. I've also been dealing with ovarian cysts pain. Not to mention all the aches and pains all over the body. My health anxiety is sky high these days. I always start thinking what if worst scenarios. This forum is the biggest help, knowing I'm not alone in this.