Is this the menopause- tinnitus, bitter taste, intermittent periods and hypothyroidism?!?!
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It's a fairly long story but I need help and advice please ladies as I'm in a bit of a state.....
It all began last August 2013 when I went to the GP with internal tremors and intermittent periods.
After having bloods checked I was told that I was hypothyoid and started on 50mcg of levothyroxine.
My periods were coming once every 3/4 months.
My last period was in March of this year. I had my FSH tested and the first time was high but was retested and told it was normal. While all this has been going on I developed a very weird and quite distressing bitter taste in my mouth (last November). I tried all sorts to eliminate it from mouthwash to totally changing my diet etc.... I added in multivits and B12 and by May time this year it seemed to have faded..... To be replaced by tinnitus!! Once again, I've been thoroughly checked (including an MRI) but no cause has been found and I'm told to learn to live with it....
What I'm wondering I in the menopause and if so, are these symptoms connected? Apart from missing periods, I have no other menopausal symptoms such as sweats/flushes etc..
I feel at a loss as to what to do next??
Oh, I also have a vit D deficiency but the GP just told me to get out in the sun more....
So if anyone can help me please, I'd be so grateful. The taste is back again now and I'm increasing my B12 but it is horrible and all consuming
The tinnitus scares me when I think I've got to live with this for the rest of my life :'(
I'm only 44 btw.
I think that's everything but I might have missed something!
I increased my levithyroxine to 75mcg a couple of months ago as it was thought my TSH was still a little high. It is now 1.2
Thank you xxx
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Tazchurch mrspinkrat
mrspinkrat Tazchurch
Tazchurch mrspinkrat
What about the rest of us?
You may want to consider taking supplements if:
your have darker skin
your lifestyle means your exposure to the sun is limited – for example you are housebound, you work a nightshift or you live in a part of the world where there is little sunlight
The optimal daily dosage is a matter of continuing debate.
Some have that adults can safely take 20 micrograms (800 IU). Some have even suggested that 50 micrograms (2,000 IU) would be an optimal dose. Current UK guidelines recommend that adults take no more than 25 micrograms per day.
Astrid64 mrspinkrat
As for the nasty taste, I had this when I went back on a birth control pill it was like a kinda mercury, aluminum taste as soon as I stopped the pill it went away!
fancygoldfish mrspinkrat
I had a deficiency and my doctor prescribed 50,000 units once a week. I have since switched to 10,000 of D3 everyday, as it is a better form of vitamin D. Initially I was scared to death of taking 50,000 units! It sounded dangerous to me, someone who is scared to take new pills, but my doctor said you'd have to take about 50,000 units every day to overdose.
I agree with Tazchurch that dosage is still being debated, but I keep hearing more and more that health professionals are saying everyone over a certain age needs a D supplement.
I don't know anything about the bad taste in your mouth, but it could be from vitamins or medications, and the tinnitus could be a coincidence or age-related.
Tazchurch fancygoldfish
Astrid64 mrspinkrat
If you have a deficiancy you need to be on at least 5,000 IU a day once your levels are back to normal, which can take a year to happen then you can drop the dosage but anything less if you are super low is not going to work!
ingrid_22 mrspinkrat
i will try the honey trick for sure!
And probably restart the Vit D. I'm bring sent for a bone density scan but not sure why?
Do any of you think these things are meno related at all?
Or hypothyroid related?
Or am I just weird?!?
Astrid64 mrspinkrat
Tazchurch Astrid64
AVR1962 mrspinkrat
Here are symptoms of vit D deficiency:
*dark skin people seem to have more issues
*feeling blue
*over 50, reason being our bodies have trouble absorbing the sun properly from the sun and then making the proper conversion in the kidneys
*overweight or have a high muscle mass without lifting weights
*achy bones
*head sweats much like babies have
*stomach issues such as IBS, gluten sesativity or intolerence, celiac, Crohn's
I had achy bones, feeling blue and I had stomach issues along with tinnitus starting in my late 40's. My blood work indicated I was not vitamin D deficient but I started reading and experimenting. If you are defiencient you will have to take a higher dose but it should be monitored as the way the body processed vitamin D you can eventually have problems resulting in too much. I would look this up. 2000IU is safe.
The achiness in my bones went away first! I did however have to go to a gluten free diet as I was still having gut issues. Going gluten free was the answer for me on that. It took awhile for my gut to heal but I have now been on a strict gluten-free diet for over 3 years now.
Tinnitus can be a result of a food allergy, too much salt, too much alcohol, high blood pressure, trauma to the head, older age hearing loss. There's actually many reasons. For me I finally linked my issues to dairy. I can eat cheese, yogurt, butter and ice cream but not actual milk. If I have milk I do so in the form of almond or coconut milk.
Are you having any dizziness?vertigo? I had dizziness that would not go away, non stop all day for 9 months. When I went gluten-free it went away completely in 6 weeks. I also had heart palpitations for years, tests done with no results, doc said it was normal. Since being gluten-free I have had no palpitations.
Anthing thing for me was there for awhile (4 years ago now) my calcium levels were high. That was really think menopause symptoms are bad, this was worse. Docs thought I had hypo-parathyroid, all the symptoms matched. I could feel my body going in and out of this high calcium stages where my body was actually putting too much calcium into my blood. Basically what happens is the paratyroid is no longer working properly and by dumping the calcium ino the blood it robs the bones of the calcium. Doc told me to prepare for sugery and I was looking for a good surgeon.
At this point is when I went gluten free, not becasue of the high calcium, for the dizziness. When I went off the gluten the parathyroid started functioning properly!!!!! I went back to the doc and he was shocked, he was completely puzzled. I have never had another incident where my calcium went too high.
Stinging tongue? I did not have that but I from time to time cannot taste food, like my taste buds aren't working right. Every time I start using zinc then it stops, takes a few days.
Here is my thought. If you ahve not had tests on your vit levels I would do so and then ask to see the results. Regardless of the results I would start on 2000 IU of vit D and only consuming 130 of that from cod liver oil. I would also start taking zinc and see if that makes a difference on the tongue. I would analyze the diet for salt, alcohol, or food allergy and test for high blood pressure....those machines work great....and see if that makes a difference in your tinnitus. Seriously too, I would also consider a gluten free diet and see if that woudl help with the thyroid issues.
Are you having issues with your hair falling out? I did at the time of my parathyroid issues and I found primrose oil supplements very good. Make sure you are keeping up with your B vits and getting 1200 units of calcium each day as well.
Any flinches, jumpy legs and odd muscle movement? A daily multi mineral solved that for me.
All of this worked for me, you might not have the same issues. I, like you, have little perimenpause symptoms that I can actually say are related to menopause. I think the above issues I have experienced are from getting older and the body not being as efficient. I did have a spell there for awhile where I was quite miserble when I went off the Pill at 51 to keep myself safe from blood clots. My body had some real adjustments to make but I made it thru that. The only time I have hot flashes is during my period. I am active and I think that helps a great deal. I am also very proactive about my helath and use natural means rather than meds and I think that has made a difference for me as well. I will soon turn 52 and I am having a period every other month and have been for over a year.
Let us know how this all turns out for you.
lou63 mrspinkrat
A bit of along story sorry but here goes
I was diagnosed severe hypothyroid about 4 years ago my first TSH blood result was over a 100!!! I had been feeling ill for quite some time and was scared to go to the doctor as I thought the worse the big C or something.
I have not felt well since, I kept returning to the doctors and complaining, was referred to Oncologist consultant who after tweaking my meds was happy that my thyroid was not the cause of how I was feeling, I then had ECG and 24 hour heart monitor all ok, my cholesterol and BP is slightly raised and vit D low
Looking back I now think all my symptoms (spaced out feeling, dizzy, off balance, lack of appetite, lethargic) were all early peri menopause, I am only now having the classic symptoms of sweating/hot flushes day and night. I have not had any of your symptoms the bitter taste or tinnitus but maybe peri meno can cause a lot of different things?
My periods were always regular until about 9 months ago then a 4 month gap then 3 months now I haven’t had one since July.
The doctors always looked at me in bewilderment when I described how I was feeling, not one of them suggested menopause to me!! I have had to figure it out for myself!! I need to book to see GP and get my FSH tested and have a very serious word to say the least.
I have been made to feel like a total hypochondriac, like you more or less told to go get on with it
This all started when I was 46-47 I'm 51 now, it ruined my 50 birthday celebration, before all this I hadn't been to the doctors for years, always healthy!!
anxiousface lou63
I will certainly give the vit D a go. The only reason I gave up was because the tinnitus started the following day! But I still have it now - 4 months later - so doubt one Vit D tablet could have caused that?!
Lou63 - exactly how I was made to feel! I'd only been to the go intermittently up until Aug 2013 - then I was there almost weekly for what seemed like months!!
I was sent for various tests but there's been very little advice or aftercare......
I'm now with a lady GP who listens to the different things I've researched and we're trying to find an answer together. Very slow process though - she referred me for the bone density scan in May, my appointment is October 9th!!