Is venlafaxine rite for me - Part 2!

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Hi Everyone! Thought I would come back and let you know how things are going as so many of you were kind to reply. I've just come back from my psychiatrist and have been told I was given the wrong diagnosis of depression last year. It turns out I have Bipolar 2! This is the reason why ven and 5 other antidepressants gave me such anxiety. I should have been given a mood stabilizer instead! Will be weaned off ven slowly. So glad I got a new psychiatrist with fresh eyes who saw what another psychiatrist, 7 GP's and 4 CPN's did not. Start the proper meds tonight. Thank you for your replies as I was in a bad way when I posted my first comment and you all made me feel less alone. I hope you all make a quick recovery and wish you good health and happiness always. Jackie xxx

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28 Replies

  • Posted

    Glad to hear that things have been sorted for you, you must feel reassured. I would be interested to hear how it goes being weened off the ven. I seem to be struggling with mine at the moment. Take 187 mg extended release but have been feeling sluggish and tired. Particularly am. Anyway pleased things are looking better for you. Like you say, a fresh pair of eyes........
    • Posted

      Hi Joanna. Will definitely let you know how they taper the ven this time. Have come off it before and it took a few weeks. I dropped 37.5mg every 2 weeks and when I reached the last 37.5 I opened the capsule (think there were 3 small tablets in it) and removed 1 little tablet at a time each 10 days and took final small one for 10 days. Don't recall having any withdrawal effects. I had to taper down from 300mg so took a while. Hope this helps you Joanna. Some doctors seem to think you can drop quite quickly. The only way that should be done is if you maybe had another health complaint that was being seriously affected by the ven and causing concern. Will keep you posted. Hope you get on fine. All the best. Jackie x

    • Posted

      I agree with Karen, fight for a referral to Psychiatrist. If I have learnt anything in the past 2 1/2 years suffering chronic pain and depression is that you have to fight for everything! Don't be afraid to. You need an holistic approach to your care. No disrespect to GP but I found my referral beneficial particularly when it came to claiming benefit.

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for your advice I'm the same I need too see a physciatrist I need too see him face too face n ask him questions n let him decide what he really thinks is going on. Xxx

  • Posted

    That's great news I'm so happy for you. I'm the same going round in circles I'm at doctors just now and telling them I defo need too see a physciatrist there the experts. And I need it urgently xx

    • Posted

      I hope that you get a referral to see a psychiatrist quickly. They really are the only person to give a proper diagnosis so that you get suitable medication to make your recovery. Don't let the doctor deny you this as it's your right to get appropriate care. So glad I got a new psychiatrist or they would still be treating me for depression rather than bipolar 2! I wish you luck and hope that you get things sorted quickly. Keep me posted on how you get on. All the best, Jackie xxx

    • Posted

      I went too doctors today I've been doing ok just had a blip yesterday but theve defo referred me now. Thank you for your reply. Can i ask u what the difference is from depression to bipolar xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Karen. That's great you've got a referral. You're on your way to better health. I've had normal or as it's known unipolar depression in the past. It started with low mood and tearfulness followed by reduced ability to concentrate and make decisions. Afterwards came really bad anxiety and confusion. The difference with Bipolar 2 (in my experience) is the following. The first thing I noticed was reduced sleep (3hrs per night for upwards of 6wks). Instead of feeling tired, I had a massive burst of energy! I'm not sporty or into fitness in a big way but wanted to walk alot and on one occasion I cycled 32miles! During this phase (hypomania) nothing seems to upset you and you worry less about the consequences of your actions. Some people engage in risky behaviour (gambling, spending sprees or starting unsuitable relationships due to increased libido). After the hypomanic phase I got very anxious, along with feeling I couldn't trust people I didn't know well. Then came intense fear and confusion (this part could have been caused by me being treated with antidepressants as doctors thought I was suffering from depression). Now that I've been diagnosed with Bipolar 2, I am receiving quetiapine and the venlafaxine will be reduced over time. Being treated with antidepressants alone when hypomanic can make you alot worse. Mood stabilizers would have to be prescribed at the same time as antidepressants and in alot of cases antidepressants aren't used at all. I've only been on quetiapine for a week (originally to help with anxiety). Now with my diagnosis the quetiapine has been raised to 100mg for 1 week, then up to 200mg for a week and up to 300mg a night to reach the therapeutic dose. I'm already starting to see improvement (Anxiety and confusion lessening). Also had 6 hours uninterrupted sleep last night for the first time in months. Sorry for such a long reply! Wanted to make it as detailed as possible to show you the difference between the 2 illnesses! Hope this helps. Jackie x

    • Posted

      Wow thanks so much and never apologise for the long reply I need all the help I can get. I've always suffered from depression it came too a head after my kids were born it's quite sad because I never got too enjoy those precious times because I was so low. They said I had postnatal depression however over that time my mood lifted and I enjoyed my life again . I would always have some tough times and my tablets would be adjusted . I was always on citalopram for 10 years in that time I was managing about a year ago I wasn't feeling too great the doctors added mitrazapine up too 45mg. I was getting bigger n bigger outing on over 2.5 stone in a year n I'm only 5ft 4in so I also wasn't feeling great like the citalopram wasn't working I felt maybe my body had become used too it over the years so they took me off both and replaced with venlafaxine. My only problem now is sleeping like really struggling and then that goes into thru the roof anxiety. Xxxx

    • Posted

      Hi Karen.

      I too got postnatal depression. I had to be hospitalised at the time for 6wks. My daughter rarely slept for longer than an hour and when she was 4wks old my mum died suddenly. If it helps, while I was in hospital I had anxiety (pacing the floor) and quite alot of confusion when I started my medication. They had me on pretty strong medication for sleep (either zolpidem or zopiclone) . I think because I was hospitalised and they could keep an eye on me they upped my antidepressants quite quickly. I was stabilised on my meds and actually was back looking after my daughter within 7wks. Meds can give you alot of anxiety at the start. I get quetiapine for this and it makes you sleep at night if you take it before bed. The anxiety is such a horrible thing to deal with and my heart goes out to you. It should ease as you get used to the medication and you could always ask your doctor for some diazepam tranquillizers to help you in the short term? If they don't do the trick quetiapine will (it's an anti-psychotic but can be used for extreme anxiety with racing thoughts and panic attacks). Hope this will put your mind at ease. Jackie x

    • Posted

      Awww thanks so much you've been so helpful doctors gave me diazapam 5mg I'm just trying too take one at night with my sleeping tablet I've done this the last couple of nights and it's been ok. I'm just so scared taking all these tablets does that make sense too you I'm worried I become addicted . I came off mitrazapine because I felt it wasn't working and I put on 2 n half stone. That's when the problems started I just couldn't sleep. What i didn't know was that the mitrazapine had a sedative in it. Now that I'm not on it I can't sleep then get anxious. Thanks so much for your advice it's been really helpful. I will say too doctor at my appointment for mental health I'm waiting in a urgent referral. As I say I'm just worried I get addicted xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Karen - just in case you get 2 replies from me - did send a post a few minutes ago which seems to have disappeared! Please don't worry about becoming addicted. It's perfectly ok to take diazepam for 2 to 4wks as you won't become addicted with short term use. I have been on mirtazapine before and just like you found sleep difficult after stopping them. You're sleep will level out. I take quetiapine for my Bipolar 2 which helps stabilise my moods. It helps with sleep (6+ hours a night) is good for anxiety and is also used in conjunction with antidepressants to boost mood. Although an anti-psychotic it is used for these other things but has to be prescribed by your psychiatrist. My psychiatrist told me that quetiapine is not habit forming but you have to wean off them to avoid side effects. I know exactly how you feel - I've spent many hours worrying about all the medications - and when we feel low or anxious we're definately a bit more prone to that type of worry. Hope that you start to feel better soon. Message me anytime for a chat. I know things are difficult now but they will get better for you. Jackie xx

    • Posted

      Thanks so much you have b3en so helpful I'm trying not too worry about taking all this medication but if I don't I can't rest n sleep. Life's tough some times isint it. Got a wee question for u if u don't mind doctors gave me a new prescription for my venlafaxine 75mg but when I've went too take them their white and say 93 on them the ones I had before were peach with 75 on them I'm confused xx

    • Posted

      Hi Karen. That's no problem happy to help. I know that sometimes when I've gotten meds they are different packaging/name from my usual because the pharmacy have had to get them from another source. These are sometimes a different looking tablet. I've just googled " description of look of venlafaxine 75mg tablet" in images and you'll see all the different types - you're ones with 93 are there too so will be ok to take. Jackie x

    • Posted

      Awww thanks so much I never even thought of googling it I got into a rite panic when I noticed. Luckily I had some 2 old ones so I took one of them last nite and this morning that's fine I will just take those ones. Thank you for everything I'm hoping too get a letter soon too see the mental health team xxx

    • Posted

      That's no problem at all Karen. I know what it's like to worry! Hope you get on well at your referral and that they can put your mind at rest and adjust your meds for you. Let me know how things go. All the best, Jackie x

    • Posted

      Hi Karen. I'm alot better today and have managed to go out with my sister to a cafe! First time in 6 weeks! Think the quetiapine is doing it's job at last! No panic attacks although I was a bit nervous! Hope you'll very soon be back to full health. Jackie xx

    • Posted

      That's great news you must be so happy you see yourself making progress. Well done. I'm going too try tonight without a sleeping tablet or diazapam too see how I get on . I've took a sleeping tablet every night since last Wednesday so in going too give it a try tonight wish me luck 🤔🤔 xxx

    • Posted

      Good luck Karen. Hope you get a good sleep! If you struggle and are still awake if you can divide your sleeping tablet in 2 then half might do the trick. Fingers crossed for you! Xx
    • Posted

      Only slept from half 10 till half 1 then didn't sleep it was very disturbed might of fell asleep for a couple o mins every hour hard too tell I should maybe get something too track it. I do t want too rely on tablets so trying too take a sleeping tablet every second night 😥😫

    • Posted

      Hi Karen. What a pest for you. You must be really tired today. Really hard lying in bed longing for sleep. I have lavender massage oil that I put on my wrists at night which sometimes helps. I also have a small spray bottle of Rescue Remedy. Two to three sprays on the tongue can help take the edge off enough to allow a little sleep. You can get both of these from Boots. Magnesium Bisglyconate (I got mine on the internet and can find out the suppkier for you if you like) is also good for relaxing your mind and body for bed. These are all fairly natural things that may help you if your worried about the sleeping tablets. Jackie x
    • Posted

      I am knackered need too take a sleeping tablet tonight unfortunately but I can't let not sleeping go into days n days if u know wat I mean. Yes if u could find out the supplier that would be fab . I've ordered some magnasium for sleep off Amazon today it comes on Friday n I've ordered a sleep tracker too. I will try the lavender and the remedy I've spent a fortune in stuff but I don't care if I can sleep without a sleeping tablet that would make me very happy even 5 too 6 hours would do. Thank you so very much for all your help xxx

    • Posted

      Really happy to help in any way Karen. I know how wretched lack of sleep makes you feel. The magnesium bisglyconate I ordered is made by a company with the initials LLS and you can get it off Amazon. It's not cheap but I think because of the added glycinate it makes it far easier for your body to absorb it? Another thing that you could ask your doctor about is Promethazine HCL 25mg tablets for sleep? They are anti-histamines for allergies but can be prescribed short term for sleep (I don't think they are as habit forming as the stronger Z meds like zopiclone and zolpidem as I know you are worried about taking them). I've had them and they didnt make me so groggy the next day. Hope this helps and keeping my fingers crossed you get a better sleep tonite! Jackie x

    • Posted

      Sorry jacqueline thats me just seeing your message. I'm still struggling with sleep. I've ordered magnasium something from Amazon that got good reviews but they were supposed too arrive on Friday but I've still not got them. Some days I'm better than others I'm trying too just take a sleeping tablet the night before my work so I can get too work. If I don't I couldn't get too work 😫 I appreciate all your help. I'm supposed to be put thru too mental health urgent but it will 2 weeks on Thursday n I've not heard anything. Scunnered. I'm just worried about this sleeping situation if it's ever going too get better. I'm just scared 😭

    • Posted

      Hi Karen. Happy to help. It's so annoying when appointments take so long to come through. It just shows how many people are having to cope with mental health problems. Hope you hear back very soon. Fingers crossed your magnesium arrives today for you. Sleep issues are really frustrating. They are the first thing to go wrong with my Bipolar 2 and my warning sign that I'm at the top of a slippery slope if I don't get meds sorted! I've heard that white noise is good to help sleep - several apps for mobiles out there. If you check up acupressure points for anxiety/stress it shows you ones on your wrist. I bought myself Sea Bands for sea sickness and put the bobble bit on the acupressure point and it seemed to help me settle to sleep. Maybe this would work for you? It's less invasive than acupuncture and a lot cheaper too!! Jackie x

    • Posted

      Thanks Jackie got my appointment through it's the 28th of Sept still 4 weeks away. But at least I have a date had a good night Friday night then a bad night Saturday night. Still not received my magnasium going too contact Amazon. Thank you so much for your help I will look into it all 😘

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