Is withdrawal from sertraline less if you haven't been on it long?

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hi guys, I have been on sertraline for approx 6 months however due to negative side affects I have gone cold turkey.. I have read horror stories about withdrawing but for me it's been 5 days and so far so good. What are other people's experiences? 


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    I have been on it for long and short periods of time and I would never risk going cold turkey. In my opinion, it is a serious drug because it changes the brain. If you are physician guided in your withdraw method, then it might not hurt you, but I would be too afraid to do it only guided by me.

    Wish you the best!


  • Posted


    As Dawn says, cold turkey is a very radical step. I did take the same approach with my previous meds because after 2 months of being patient, I was feeling no benefit and the side effects were intolerable! My motivation in going cold turkey was just to get the drug out of my system asap so I could start on something new and become hopeful again about getting my life back. You will be very lucky not to experience any unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, but I hope you may be one of the lucky ones. No matter what, just remember that whatever you experience is only temporary. I have just read another discussion thread about someone withdrawing too quickly after only a few months on Sert and having to go back to their GP and take it much slower.

    I hope that you can find the right medication in time. Keep positive & don't give up hope!

    Good luck & best wishes,



    • Posted

      Thank you for your kind words, I'm keeping myself busy with the good old iPad! My partner is very supportive, and so far after a nearly a week I feel good if not better than ever! Fingers crossed it stays this way, I have started CBT also so no more meds for me. Blasted anxiety!


    • Posted

      Great! I've been attending group mindfulness sessions & I'm due to start 1-2-1 CBT tomorrow. I have benefitted from therapy in the past and an outside perspective always helps when trying to find one's way out of the labyrinth of one's own problems & emotional fog.

      Take care. x

    • Posted

      What a wonderful description of what we suffer and muddle through Digsby!

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