Issue with swallowing certain foods.

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Hi everyone Ive been on this site before other topics include glandular fever and hypothyroidism. Both of these I got in 2017. Now on and off I get an issue whereby Im eating my food and I go to swallow and it just doesn't want to go and my mouth turns into a mini washing machine lol. However it only happens on certain foods Like I could I struggle eating a sandwich, but I can eat a bag of crisps with no real issue. I'm currently under the hospital and they reckon I have laryngopharyngeal reflux. I have been prescribed lanzoprazole and peptac. I have an appointment next week for a barium swallow procedure. Im also on the following medications for other ailments.

Levothyroxine 100mcg for underactive thyroid

Propranolol for anxiety 10mg

I also take a multivitamin, magnesium and cbd oil (at night)

Anyone who has similar problem as me and has managed a successful way of helping it please let me know guys.

Im 26 and male by the way

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I think that the barium swallow test would be a good thing to show more evidence of where the problem is. It may be that you might also be referred for a manometry test that measures the pressure of the muscles that successively propel the food downwards towards the stomach.

    Reflux is normally acid reflux and medication like Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor that switches off acid production, but you can also take Gaviscon Advance (over the counter) that creates a protective raft against reflux for an hour or two. Not everybody responds to PPIs so the Gaviscon can be significant.

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      Thank you for your reply Alan I'm also currently taking peptac is that like gaviscon?

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      I think Peptac is similar to Gaviscon Advance because I believe it is also an alginate. I would ask a pharmacist if one is any better than the other. If Peptac works for you that's fine.

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    AllanJM knows what he's talking out.

    Further, for anyone with swallowing issues, breads and pastries can be difficult. Gravy or sauces makes eating some meats easier. Small bites with plenty of fluids is a must.

    I've had to limit my evening meal to small portions and nothing after 7pm (I go to bed at 10p). Also, I can not lay flat after any food or drink for a few hours. My nap after lunch is done now in the chair.

    Sorry your going through this at such a young age. I pray you find answers and solutions for healing!

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      Hi Greeka my issue is more on the swallowing side, I do get acid but its not really noticeable. I burp quite a lot and sometimes get the acidic taste in the throat but really its secondary. The swallowing issue is very weird like somethings I just gobble down. Others i'm really having to put effort in just to eat it.

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    I was wondering whether It could be the propranolol medication that I take as Ive been on that for nearly 3 years for the anxiety caused by glandular fever

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    i have problems at times but not all the time. i have to run to the toilet to be sick roughly every 3/4 weeks. This happens even if i have soup!! it lasts for about 4 days it doesnt matter what i eat i go through the same pattern!! My gp says its silent reflux but i never get heart burn, indigestion or cough at all. When im going through my 'bad' phase i do bring up a lot of catarrh. im on pantroprazole but i have my doubts that they are doing anything!! I have had a barium swallow & a camera down but nothing showed up!!! its very frustrating

    • Posted

      Some people do suffer from reflux but do not feel any heartburn or pain/discomfort, so that is why they call it 'silent reflux'. Not everyone responds well to PPI medication like Pantoprazole either - which is another frustrating thing.If you stop Pantoprazole you may well get a 'bounce' of reflux simply because your stomach acid will have been switched on again, but this should only last for a couple of weeks. I am wondering whether it is worth asking to see a gastroenterologist to try and sort out the underlying cause. Sometimes the medication kills off bacteria in the gut that are actually beneficial, and perhaps (and this is wild, unqualified speculation) you may develop some form of bacterial infection every so often that causes you to vomit?

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply. i mentioned the symptoms i 'dont have' because everywhere ive read about silent reflux its says you have a cough & to raise the head of the bed etc !! I was wondering about coming off the ppi's I will go back to my gp. Thank you again.

    • Posted

      There is an argument that being on PPIs for a period, should then result in a review to see whether they have relieved the underlying problem that caused the reflux. And if the reflux is still there it does warrant further investigation. So returning to your GP is a sensible thing to do.

  • Posted

    hi my freind was cooking the pan lid came off he dropped screw in side he found it but dont thing he found the little was went hospital because I could feel something but the found nothing but now when I eat drink I can feel some sharp I worried if I go sleep I choke I at my daughter law funeral wesday dr said he book me in for camera as hospital say I still eat drink

    • Posted

      hi jellyey93 can u give me some advise

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