It begins with a headache, nausea, loose bowels & full of wind
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2 or 3 days a week i seem to get these strange symptoms. It begins with a headache sometimes lasting all day even with paikillers, other times headache goes off with painkillers always with nausea then an hour or 2 later loose bowels & full of wind,shakly feeling sometimes tingling in arms & legs & feel cold & shivery. following day everything is back to normal, bowels normal etc. Can anyone shed light on this?Anyone else suffer with these symptoms?
Is it part of peri?
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susan21149 deborah73991
yes welcome to peri menopause.
I have suffered from these symptoms stomach problem with the bowls, loose stools then at times it normal, cold shaky, hot, tingling in legs palpitations, up and down with my moods, nausea after being stressed out, headache, anxieties, crying feeling a lone like i am the only one going through this, just not wanting to do anything lately
This is part of peri and menopause so it depends you may suffer for a while. All i can say is hang in there and try not to get to stressed out
deborah73991 susan21149
thank you for your reply.
Although I don't want anyone else to suffer its good to know that I'm not the only one feeling this way.
I have days when i feel perfectly normal then the headache begins, followed by the other symptoms & I feel out of it all day.
susan21149 deborah73991
Its really us that put ourselves through this, We can cause ourseves a lot of stress and anxieties by worrying to much by arguing with our loved ones we need to help ourseves and not get so stressed out we need to find a balance with our bodies and not be so depressed we need to learn yoga, get a massage do accupuncure to help with our stress we need to keep our mind off ourselves and do something for others.
There are other folks out there that are worse off than us and we need to start thanking God for ewverything he has given us and for dying on that cross for our sins
God does provide and we need to go to him in times of stress and sickness
Watch the movie Heaven is For Real that is a true story and read the book because God does anwser Prayers but the way he wants then answered
He is the only one who knows the future of our live so we need to put everything in his hands and just relax and take life as it is with the menopause and peri menopause its just part of life and what our bodies do thats part of life to its just how we handle everything in life
deborah73991 susan21149
I have seen & read the book Heaven is For real. I am a Christian so do pray about everything
even so do have many problems related to peri menopause, not so much anxiety but insomnia is another big issue in all of this, the migraines etc. I know God can heal so sometimes its frustrating that he chooses not to but allows us to go through things!!! I am thankful for all he has done & is doing in my life, it makes life easier just to off load on to him, think thats why I have little anxiety but its still nice to know that the symptoms of peri are real & others have the same issues.
x x
pinkcatfairy deborah73991
Yes sounds like it to me, headaches seem to have been the biggest thing for me, i never use to really suffer with them before, plus sometimes just getting the migraine auras without migraine. I have had bouts of nausea especially in the mornings with the odd heat flash that comes and goes. I got gastitis last year when periods were over the place which was the worse symptom for me, but i knew pwpwri
pinkcatfairy deborah73991
deborah73991 pinkcatfairy
Thanks for that. Its reasurring to know i am not the only one with these different symptoms. I have had acid reflux in the past but at the moment its more Headache/migraine followed by loose bowels etc
Plus insomnia but it seems like symptoms come & go & new ones appear. Last year it was more dizziness, hot flushes/night sweats.
Cannot wait to have this all behind me & just get on with life. x
pinkcatfairy deborah73991