It gets better promise!!!
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Hi there I’m a 40 year old lady that has suffered from piles for the last 16 years. I have 4 children my last labour was the worse and has made my piles horrendous for the last 4 years.I have had banding done 3 times then them years too. I got so bad that I had to do something!!! I had surgery not knowing anything I did google or look into it at all or never even heard of it before. I was just yes let’s get rid of them I can’t live like this any more. I never prepared for surgery! I had 3 very large grade 4 internal ones and 3 external ones!!!
Day of op- came home in no pain at all just uncomftable!!
Day 1 - woke with tummy cramps but took paracetamol ibrufen and codine which they gave me plus movical 2 times a day.
Day 2 - woke early hours in Terriale pain had a BM which all I can say was awful and very watery had to have a bath for 3 hours still with the feeling of needing to go I had a accident in the bath which I can say was not as painful!!! This happened 3 times that day
Day3 - woke in pain same as day 2 really what have I done!!
Day 4 - I cut the movical to once a day as BM were so watery I thought that’s what was causing the pain. (Best thing I had done really for me) I also read on here to SQUAT over the toilet not sit.... well that was the best thing too help, the pain was not as bad plus no straining at all!! I would have a bm not need a bath I had little pain but I stayed in the bathroom and walked around I would end up going a further 3 times. After about 30 mins of burning I felt great and did all day!!! I didn’t go out but to just sit comfortably was brilliant.
Day 6 - woke and took no pain meds but still 1 moviacal! felt even better!! Even forgot some of how painful the few days before was. I did the same got up had a few BM the same was as the day before plus not as Watery
Day 7 - omg feeling myself again BM still burn a bit but with squatting and walking around until been again it’s brilliant hurtsfor about 10 mins after but bearable and no need to bath!!
I just want to say to everyone that is going through it it dose get better and that pain is only bad for a few day too!!!
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jimmy_13217 anita24402
anita24402 jimmy_13217
jimmy_13217 anita24402
Happybum anita24402
That's incredibly quick healing! Good for you! Congratulations on your decision and post op success! You got your life back!