It's all back

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Hello everyone......been on here a few times. I have talked with some great people here. Just cannot accept all this anxiety. i am so worried about neurological diseases like MS!!!! Been this way since i was in my twenties now i am in my late 60's and still feel the same. Had lots of tests and they always are negative. But i of course feel they made mistakes. i can be fine for a few weeks and then Bam it all comes back. Anyone here had symptoms for years that wont go away. i cant function when i feel like this. I am in big denial that anxiety can cause such terrible symptoms.If you have symptoms and then something is wrong. ☹️

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Gale, I really feel for you. I have been suffering with health anxiety for 9 years now. My fear was neurological disease. I really thought I had something serious about 9 years ago. I was worried about losing power is my hands and then I did! All sorts of scary neurological symptoms happened. All tests were clear. I didnt fully recover until I believed that it was psychosomatic. Then 2 years later I asked for the same tests as I thought somehow it was back but again clear. Now 7 years on... Ive been worried about a few other illnesses but again all tests fine. In the back of my mind I still fear I have neurological disease....when my neck feels stiff or when I feel sensations in my arms or legs or when I have terrible fatigue. I'm worried that I'll still be worried right through until my 100th birthday! I do find that hypnotherapy helped last time. I should have stuck with it as it really helped. Amazing how powerful our minds can be. Have you tried speaking to a therapist? I was thinking of that option for myself to try break the cycle.

    • Posted

      So glad to hear from you. Mine all started when i was 24 and now i am 69. And i am still in denial. Pretty sad but i cant help it when my symptoms come back i go crazy. Dont know how old you are but it am embarrassed to say i have had it so long. Do your ur symptoms last 24/7? Mine do and can last for weeks then maybe go away for a couple of weeks and bam come back. i cant function when i feel so bad. This really sucks......this so called anxiety. i have big denial problems just dont believe my doctors. Hope you respond again!!!!

    • Posted

      What are your symptoms, Gale? I am suffering from anxiety for almost 20 years now but I am experiencing neurological symptoms for few weeks. Doctors are thinking it is anxiety but it is difficult to accept it 😃 I have stabbing pains, pins and needles, tingling on feet and hands. I experienced so many different symptoms till now because of anxiety but these new ones are freaking me.

    • Posted

      Hello Alice......i have fatigue, head and neck pain, tingling and numbness, feels like i am on a boat a swaying feeling, burning skin. and just no energy at all. Not believing what doctors are telling me!!! It comes and goes. But i can be miserable for weeks or longer. I need a magic pill and there is none.

    • Posted

      I'm 40 and have really suffered with this health anxiety. Any unusual neurological feelings like burning or twitching, fatigue, neck stiffness, restless leg, brain fog and Im right back there in the depths of anxiety. It is awful. The symptoms come and go and get worse if my anxiety worsens. I feel as though I am battling to keep going but I have to for my family. Im going to try hypnotherapy again as I think I need to change my thought process and break this cycle. There are free sessions on youtube as I feel spending money on this will only give me more anxiety. I spent enough visiting the dr this week. The pharmacist reccomended lycine so I will try that also. It really does bring you down and I feel those with health anxiety are forgotten about. It is a real issue.

    • Posted

      Hi Alice, I got stabbing pains down my arms about 9 years ago. It was awful...I was really terrified. It only went away when I finally accepted it was anxiety. Thankfully I haven't had them since. I would say listen to your Drs and try and take your mind off it if you can.

    • Posted

      Hi Am.....God you sound like me!!!! Even after have a few MRI's I still dont believe its anxiety because the symptoms never go away. I wake up with it and it gets worse as the day goes on and usually by bedtime its not as bad. I cant function while feeling like this. Hope you can get some relief. When i do i take advantage of it. Keep in touch ok. ☺️

    • Posted

      Oh what exactly is Hypnotherapy?

    • Posted

      I have all of your symptoms. I have got biopsy result, it says I have a light neuropathy and some autoimmune disorders but it does not explain all these symptoms. Yes, it comes and goes, just the burning feeling on my feet continues because I am focusing on them now due to the biopsy results. It is so sad to live like this. I have already lost 20 years to anxiety disorder and now it is getting much worse.

    • Posted

      Really, this disease is so freaking. I think I need to get my mind away from all those health issues but I am working at home and not socializing for a long time due to pandemic. These made me focus on my body more and google everything. I need to stop it.

    • Posted

      Alice were you diagnosed with anxiety or is there something else going. What did you have biopsied? I feel like you having wasted so much time to have worried fir so many years.

    • Posted

      Yes, I have anxiety disorder for 20 years but I was managing with a low dose of zooloft. However, right now, I have burning pain and painful pins and needles sensations on my feet so I went to neurology. He found that I have small fiber neuropathy but it is not so serious. However, after I got this result, I started to have pain much more. It was much better before I knew this. Even though, it is not something serious, it was enough to increase my pain and it is because of anxiety. I cannot manage my thoughts at all nowadays and began to be obsessive about my health problems. I am just waiting for other tests because they are suspecting I have an autoimmune problem which is causing nerve damage or B12 deficiency (my levels for folate and b12 is on the lower side because of a genetic mutation). After that I will go to ask for anxiety medication other than zooloft because it does not work anymore. I am in pain after 2 minutes I wake up till I sleep. This is fuelling my anxiety so I need to take something works.

    • Posted

      Hello Alice.......At this point i wish they could find something with me. i am soooooo sick of hearing its anxiety. Just in big time denial about how anxiety can cause so many symptoms. And i cant stand that it makes you feel so lousy and last 24/7 and can go on for weeks or longer. i need a magic pill.

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